
Young Writers Society

Oswald Abbott

Return to Eternal  

Creator: Mageheart
Roleplay: Eternal
Nickname: Oz

Current Alias: Oswald Abbott

Godly Name: Mars

Magic: Has no specific types of magic, but is skilled at reciting spells for a wide variety of tasks and attacks.

Gender: Male, he/him.

Appearance: He's average height. His hair is bubblegum pink and thrown into a small ponytail, and his blue eyes always seem to have a certain twinkle to them. His style of clothing can be described as an odd combination of stylish and eccentric. While the clothing styles match, the colors don't. His coat is bright purple, his shoes are dark blue, and even his necklace clashes with everything else - it's a silver teddy bear charm.

Personality: Like his outfit, Oz is cheerful and eccentric. He tends to be a bit impulsive, and, as apparent from the letter he sent to all of the other immortals, he's also quite chatty. He's one of the most extroverted people around, and has no problems with talking in a large group of people. He's also quite open with his magic, which further adds to his apparent strangeness. He overall can come off as immature.

When in battle or a situation that requires strategy, however, a change quickly overcomes him. He becomes much more serious, and his intelligence shines through. This is the version of him that would be recognizable to those who knew him back during the days of the great Roman Empire.

Up for Romance: As of right now, I'm going to say no here.

Backstory: Oz woke up next to a temple for Mars. He traveled for a bit in order to figure out who he was and what his purpose was, but eventually found himself enlisting in Rome's military. Something about being in a battle just felt right, and he became known as an absolutely savage and ruthless soldier named Regulus. It was only when he was serving in what would someday become the UK that he had a change of heart - there was a deserter from the army protecting a little girl native to the area they were in, and, after killing the man, something about the girl's horror made him completely reevaluate his life. He eventually deserted as well, and spent the next portion of his life in the UK. A good deal of that time involved him getting burned for witchcraft, but he'd just take up a new appearance and name and move to a different town.

He's only just come to America after noticing how many immortals like him seem to be hanging around in the states.

Other: Oz has a very noticeable British accent, thanks to the amount of time he's spent living in the UK. He also uses his spells for everything - magic's something he's perfected over the years, and he doesn't want to waste his gifts. For example, the letters he sent to the others all were copied using magic spells, and he sent them out using magic as well.

It's hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one.
— Rick Riordan, The Last Olympian