
Young Writers Society

Ennius Forthgoer

Return to Confusion {Open ~ Started}  

Creator: Jony
Roleplay: Confusion {Open ~ Started}
Nickname: Enn

Name: Ennius Forthgoer

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Allegiance: Kyrome,

Rank: Warrior

Race: Human


Enn is a warrior skilled in swordplay. But he also has magical runes given to him by his grandfather who was a master magician. Enn can extract the magical power from these runes to give him increased power in a number of areas.

Enn has five runes; one for increased offense, one for increased defense, one for increased agility, one for increased magical potential (spell casting, illusions, ext...), and one last one for "a dire situation"

Enn doesn't know what the last one does or what qualifies as a "dire situation" but he does know he won't use it anytime soon.

Unfortunately though, the runes only contain a finite amount of energy, so he has to use them sparingly and the only way to recharge the energy on one of them is to kill a high level magician and absorb the magician's magical energy. But as you would imagine, it is hard for a warrior to fight a magician, let alone kill them.


Brown curly hair and deep blue eyes. He is fair skinned and blemish free from living a relatively normal and nice life. He is tall for his age and skinny. He wears typical middle class clothes, so a semi-nice shirt under a jacket or cloak.


Enn is one of the kindest people you will ever meet, he is loyal and trustworthy and very open around everyone he meets. Enn was raised on the belief that if you do good things for others, good things will happen in return. Enn is very gullible and naive, though and doesn't know what the world has in store for him. But Enn isn't afraid to fight for what he believes in and he will stick up for anybody he thinks is being treated poorly.


Enn is naive and inexperienced, he still doesn't know the true extent of his powers and he is weak against magic users, but not powerless. Enn makes enemies almost as fast as he makes friends, because of his need to stick up for anybody being pushed around.


Enn was born and grew up in Western Kyrome, on the coast of Europe. He lived a simple life as the child of an upper middle class family that consisted of his parents, his Grandfather and himself.

Enn grew up on the stories of heroes and magic. Of great wars and magical creatures that roamed the lands of Kyrone and beyond. He was always fascinated with these tales that his grandfather would tell him before he went to bed.

Every night his grandfather would tuck him into bed and tell him one of these stories and later on Enn learned that his grandfather was the character in every story. Of course, Enn didn't know that at the time.

Enn was taught swordplay and even some magic from his grandfather until his seventeenth birthday. The day of Enn's seventeenth birthday, he set off towards the nearest town for supplies. But when he got back, he found his village burned to the ground and his grandfather laying on the ground, dying.

Enn was told that the village had been burned down and ransacked by thieves traveling back to the wastelands. Everyone had been killed and the only reason his grandfather was still alive was because of his magical abilities.

Right before his Grandfather died, he transferred his remaining power in five runes that would aid Enn wherever his journey may take him. He also told Enn that he was the hero in the stories he told and that he was known around all of Kyrome and even Senetra as the great hero of Kyrome. Teary eyed, Enn took the runes from his grandfathers dying hands and vowed never to let injustice stand and that he would carry on his grandfather's title.


Enn is a master sword fighter and is most comfortable using two swords at once.

Up for love?: Yes


Unbeknownst to Enn, the last rune that he has, the one only for "a dire situation" contains the power of a defeated Inarvi general that his grandfather killed in battle so many ages ago.

If Enn ever absorbs the power from that rune, he would be given the power of that Inarvi general. But the sheer power from the Inarvi general would slowly start to kill Enn the longer he fights in that state, and there is only enough energy in the rune to last Enn for a few minutes before dying out.

Wist is Ley's mind, confirmed
— WeepingWisteria