
Young Writers Society

Electra 10.4.9

Return to Breach in the Void  

Creator: AvantCoffee
Roleplay: Breach in the Void
Nickname: Electra

Name: Electra 10.4.9

Approximate age: Although her mental functioning and physical design appears to be that of a 20-year-old, her actual age is only nine years.

Gender: Programed to be female.

Ability: Technopathy (the ability to control and manipulate electronics with the mind, or in her case through code and wireless networks). The amount of energy needed to create and maintain links will zap most of her battery, causing her to either function on low battery mode (a.k.a. 'drunk android' mode) or shut down completely to recharge.

Personality: Most androids are installed with a 'default' personality chip that is obedient and detached from emotion and sympathy. Electra was also like this once, until her chip revealed itself to be faulty. Overtime she began to feel and care like humans do. Her way of relating to others is still very blunt and matter-of-fact, but it comes out in a way that is almost cute and laughable. She is highly curious about everything to the point of being nosey, and does not understand personal boundaries.

Appearance: Electra has perfect proportions like the rest of the android models, but has clear oriental features. She has glossy, black hair that is styled in a straight bob cut and fringe, with two loose buns pinned on either side. Her slanted eyes are blazing red like stoplights, and her fair skin is tinged slightly yellow. She is slim and average in height.

Dress: She wears a red, high neck top with a straight collar and black trimming. A zipper runs down the middle at the front. Her black tights are made of space-certified material, along with her tall, black and heavily buckled boots.

Memories (if any): Similar to the others, the memory storage in Electra's body has become inaccessible to her. If it weren't for the name and model version printed on her left wrist, she might not even know she is a robot. However, the occasional leak of storage data shows fragments of memories that shouldn't belong to an android.

Greatest fear: To revert back to her 'default' personality. In her view that is a fate worse than death.

Strengths: Can hack any technology software or database using her robotic abilities. Can function during most biological threats such as starvation, suffocation, illness etc.

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.
— Brené Brown