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Young Writers Society

Staff Picks

Top December 2022 Poem

Top December 2022 Poem

Nate: Check out the top poem of December 2022: portrait of a shapeshifter by figmoon

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Fighter's Block!

Fighter's Block!

Featherstone: A game to give you that motivation to sit down and write with vigor and speed!

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The Poem of the Week

The Poem of the Week

alliyah: Read a poem, share a poem! If you read a great poem, share it here!

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How To Structure Your Story

How To Structure Your Story

Mea: A fascinating and helpful series of blog posts by an author on how story structure works.

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Worldbuilding Stack Exchange

Worldbuilding Stack Exchange

Mea: A website where people ask, answer, and discuss worldbuilding hypotheticals and questions!

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Jenna Moreci on Writing

Jenna Moreci on Writing

Rosendorn: Writing advice delivered with humour

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Writing Help

Writing Help

Steggy: Here you can find help with your writing! From generators to writerly advice, it is all here.

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Need names?

Need names?

sheysse: A great site for learning the meaning of names.

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Share a Poem

Share a Poem

Aley: Links to cool poems you have found around the site, especially in the NaPo threads

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Basic Plot Elements

Basic Plot Elements

niteowl: Make your stories more dramatic!

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Famous Authors in The US

Famous Authors in The US

niteowl: The most famous author from each US State

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Snowflake Method

Snowflake Method

Aley: Ever get stuck on creating your novel? This is a pre-writing plan for you!

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YWS Code Book

YWS Code Book

Aley: Want to master BBC? Check out this resource!

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A Rundown on Reviewing

A Rundown on Reviewing

Aley: An FAQ for reviewing on YWS

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Reviewing Skilled Writers

Reviewing Skilled Writers

Aley: A helpful handbook for how to review raving pieces.

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The strongest people are not those who show their true strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about.
— Unknown