
Young Writers Society



Hello all who care to read!

I am a young, independant writer from Ontario, Canada. I'm pretty new to putting my work out there, especially on the internet.

My education has just began. I am taking an International Hospitality Managment course for the next year, to be followed by an International Support Worker post grad. With these I intend to start a career working and volunteering around the world.

"What does this have to do with writing?" Most ask me. I want to put my writing skills and curiosity to good work by documenting and exposing through freelance on the internet.

My main plan is to work, work, work and write, write, write until I can go back to school and take a universiry journalism program, hopefully abroad.

On a more personal note, I'm a pretty big geek. Video games and most of the nerd culture spectrum are pretty much my main hobbies. This year I have attended Ottawa Comicon and Toronto FanExpo, both epic experiences if you're into that!

I have come here basically to check out what it's like to have other writers read and critique what I make, work on finding my niche and hopefully get some good insights along the way. I am still a nervous novice, so please remember - pateince is a virtue.



-Philanthropy -Travel -Journalism (political, war, world issues, and video games) -Nerd culture (video games, horror, comics, starting to dabble in cosplay, conventions, and sci-fi) -Writing (short stories, poetry, music, sci-fi, occult, horror, and starting to try out reviewing) -Music (punk, alternative, grunge, ska, reggae, rock, hard rock, metal and classic rock) -Piano -Reading (literature, poetry, paranormal, occult, horror, plays) -TV (sci-fi, comedy, horrow, etc...) -Movies (")


International Hospitality Management student at Academy of Learning College.

Ogres are like onions.
— Shrek