Ehh, well, I've only tried it, twice, and only for a few minutes. So, I didn't get any of the needed calluses... But I'd love to try it for real
Weeell, I play guitar and drums on my Rock Band 3 game... XD
But I've tried guitar in real life, at my friend's house, and it was really fun. I used to sing, too, but I'd really like to play piano.
HELP! I AM IN NEED OF ADJECTIVES! Go <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVW_GQFGQUs">here</a> and listen from ~4:53 to 6:39, then give me what you got. Please.
railroadoctopus Oh boy I can't code at all. Haha. Oops. does it matter? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVW_GQFGQUs Go forth and conquer.
Feb 13, 2012
Justagirl Bieeeen XD
Feb 13, 2012
Ok, our first official gummy worm picnic... *Marks on blackboard* Good.
What's goin' on? Well..... I'm homeschooled online, and finishing up the first half of my science class and the last half of my Spanish class. Along with that, I just turned 14 on Saturday... And I have a new camera that I really love, though I haven't really gotten any artistic feeling to take photos since Friday..
What 'bout you?
My grandma just brought me 5 bags of gummy worms. I've already eaten one of them.
Rosendorn Welcome to YWS!
Feb 11, 2012
Justagirl Hi octopus!
Feb 11, 2012
May 27, 2012