
Young Writers Society


Photo of possibleintrovert

About possibleintrovert

I was born and raised in California. I was a shy kid, and a huge tomboy. It's shaped my personality today. I asked too many questions, and was never taken seriously. I was never the smart kid in the class, but I had a way with my teachers (people in general). I was very likable and convincing, and I lucked out on a lot of my studies. Nevertheless I was smart and I was good at school. In 8th grade there was one teacher I couldn't get through, probably because I didn't want to. She was a brainwashed nationalist who intended to make my life miserable since I refused to participate in her patriotic ways along with the class. I began doing terribly in her English class. On the last day of 8th grade, before high school, she said to my mother "Let me know how high school goes for her." Her statement was influenced by my terrible work and grades in her English class. I am now a student in an AP English class. Not bad for a kid like me.


Senior in high school.

Don't sit down and write because you're a writer; sit down and write because you have something to say. And if the sea of ideas isn't flowing, well, just tell me about your day.
— OrabellaAvenue