
Young Writers Society


About nightmask

i am me, there is not much else to say. i like sweeney todd, tim burton, anime, and bright shiny colors, lol(z) ha ha. i was recently diagnosed with abcd, no...wait...asbd....adad.....ughhh......(meant to say add!!!!! oh, and theri mihgt be a litlte dislexia in tehre too)....so.......what wuz i talking bout......ughhhh....ohhhhh!!!!! a pretty butterfly..oohhhhh...shiny colors!!!!!!!! i have three fuc*ing cute doggies (pardon my french, but there just that cute!!!!!) my hobbies are reading graphic novels, drawing, and randomly blacking out. sometimes i will find myself walking into poles, potholes or even annoyed pedestrians. i also like to talk to inanimate objects, and when they dont respond, i violently attack them. the sad part about this bio is that only about, 6% of america would find it funny, so to u six percent, keep up the good work, more power to you, and please, for the love of god, check yourselves into mental hospitals before you cause some major damage. "love is a name written over and over in a math text book"-melena

this is nightmask singing out, i leave you with these words of wisdom,i am really not this crazy, and neither is my writing, so please, leave a review.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.
— Willie Nelson