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kimmybee so do you! ^^
Oct 5, 2013
Holysocks Haha thanks!
Oct 8, 2013
That moment when you open your insecurities for all the world to SUCKS!!!! '...Ready to take the plunge' huh?
Slowly getting back into my story writing. Will be awhile before I can try anything over 500wrds (maybe more for here..) but I just am so excited and humbled that this small part of me is still here
I wrote some more poems if you want to check them out. They kind of depict my life.... They are like life stories in poem form.
hi:) thanks for liking my poems! I wrote this other one which I am actually surprised it came out this flowey since usually my poems are too dead on. I really think I'm improving, but I was wondering if you would check it out and tell me what you think?
kimmybee Ok,, now I must go stalk and find it :3
Apr 11, 2012
- rhythm is off..heck! I don't even have one! plus my inability to actually do a short story(always too descriptive and straying)..............pfffffffff epic fail
xXkokorodemonXx Hey, that's better than writing short and undescriptive stories :3
Apr 8, 2012
kimmybee you noticed?!!! I LOVE IT TOO THANKS!!!
Mar 17, 2012
Whatever have I been up to? Nothing that's what. I have not been kind to my fellow ink and paper friends
kimmybee no problem, the pleasure was all mine
Dec 3, 2011
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Jun 7, 2015