
Young Writers Society


Photo of TheWildIllusions

TheWildIllusions a.k.a me :)

My name is River and I'm 15. I'm a huge food lover. I like people who are cool and don't judge others. I don't cuss unless you cross the line, but that's very rare. Adopted and proud! :D I love annoying people with random questions and testing their patience. My grandfather always told me that talking to strangers is easier than someone you know... :)
Thanks for loosing your ten seconds of your life reading this short note!
Bye! :D


-Football/Soccer (sports in general) -Food -Pranks -Anime/Manga -Street Dancing -Photography -Quad/Dirt-bike Racing


A student in secondary school doing Junior Cert. Bleh...

I'm getting nachos~
— BluesClues