
Young Writers Society


About TheLadyHelena

There are countless doors in the mind. There are consistent, eternal empathies, emotions, thoughts and voices within every indiviual, and when one learns harness this ability to touch the creative mind, one becomes a writer....

I love to write. To weave the powerful imaginings of my deeply rooted and flying spirit with the thoughts of my restless mind. To make sense of the dreams that place themselves there, waiting for me to find them, and to meld them the abstract echoes of an incomprehensible reality. To take all these astrewn pieces of a deep understanding on how things are and may be, and close my eyes until I and driven with a fantasy that, when released upon the eyes and minds that are not my own, becomes fact.

And that is why i write.

There is one major project formulating in my soul that i am currently calculating in my mind. I've written only a bit for it, and much as i'm dying to write the entire thing, i'm trying to remain focused on my currently immense story. i've learned that it's healthy to admit this, so i'll say it: i am a dreamer, a flutter-brain. It tends to give people a bad perception of me when they witness that fact for themselves. i'll try my best to be HERE and stay HERE.

Would you like to know what my immense story is? I'm hoping to post it, but i refer to it as Mythica. The first 'book' is temporarily entitled, Break the Silent Requiem. I have my reasons, don't go wondering why in the hell i picked a strange title like that when there are plenty more catchy names. I myself happen to think it has a ring to it.

Do you really want a biography? I guess there's little harm in saying a bit. I am an avid writer with a passion for the performing arts. I link acting with writing in the sense that my reason for loving to act is to develop characters. Characters are my favorite. I hope the main characters in Mythica will be as real to you as they are to me, and i hope you'll grow to love them as much as i do. Or at least almost as much. I created them, so you see, we have a special bond.

Please review my works, particularly Break the Silent Requiem. I know i need to improve, but i can't on my own. Or at least, it won't be so easy.

You see now why i write? Words come rushing through my fingers and i can't seem to stop. God save me. I'll be off. B

est of fortune to you,
The Lady Helena


writing (ironically), music (i sing and create), acting (just theatre, currently), the medieval era, celtic, sketching, imagining


volunteer dreamer, though it is an unconscious effort

Poetry is my cheap means of transportation. By the end of the poem the reader should be in a different place from where he started. I would like him to be slightly disoriented at the end, like I drove him outside of town at night and dropped him off in a cornfield.
— Billy Collins