I have now realeased my first short story. It will probably be the last one too, since I will be writing The Horrors of Discovering. Though I absolutely do not know how to start the story (I have written a pretty crappy opening) I will try to get it done.
Fantascifi66 So cool! I will review it, I swear!
Dec 29, 2018
Horisun I reviewed it, it was amazing. Why will it be your last? It was really good.
Dec 29, 2018
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So, just released a prologue for my new novel series,
The Horrors of Discovering. I'd be glad if you checked it out.
AlyTheBookworm Checked it out. Looks interesting. I left a hopefully-helpful review and will keep an eye out for the first chapter.
Also, welcome to YWS! Since I joined a couple years ago, everyone here has been amazing, super nice, and helpful. Hope you like it here and that it helps you grow as a writer too.
Nov 25, 2018
TheDepressedCat Yes, thank you!
Nov 26, 2018
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Welcome to YWS, Cat! I hope you're enjoying the site so far - if you need any help finding your way around be sure to reach out. Good luck in your writing endeavors!
Hello and welcome to YWS! I'm Saen. If you ever have any questions, feel free to come to me.
If I can't answer your questions, or I'm not on when you have one, you can always ask the users whose names are in green (moderators) or red (administrators). Other users would be happy to help as well.
Also, here's some helpful parts of YWS that can help you understand how things work on the site:
Welcome Mat
Knowledge Base - YWS
FAQ For New Users
YWS Critique Sandwich
There's also a really cool part of the site that I suggest checking out! It's called the Storybook section of the site, and it's a place where you can collaborate with other writers in roleplays or even full-blown stories. I've been in a lot of them before, so please don't be afraid to ask me more about them if that seems like something you'd be into.
By the way, what type of things do you like to write? I'm currently writing two fantasy novels, but I'm also a big fan of poetry and short stories.
Hey there, welcome aboard. I'm Snow, it's nice to meet you.
If you have any questions about the place I'd be happy to help, but you could also ask members who's names are in red (administrators) or green (moderators), and I'm sure anyone else would be glad to help out as well.
If you want to post a piece of writing just head to the Publishing Center, which you can access right up at the top of the page. You do need points to publish something, however, upon joining the site you automatically start with 200 points (which is enough to publish a piece). And if you do want to get more points, you can do so by writing a review on someone else's work.
Oh and also, if you head on down to the Welcome Mat you can introduce yourself to the YWS, as well as welcome others.
I hope you enjoy the site Cat.
TheDepressedCat Thanks
Nov 9, 2018
Everything sucks, but it is a little better because it is soon the weekend.
Bellarke same....
Nov 9, 2018
FireSpyGirl *Sends hugs* Let me know if you ever need to talk or need any help! And welcome to YWS!!!
Nov 9, 2018
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May 28, 2019