
Young Writers Society


Photo of RainStormZ

About RainStormZ

Hello everyone!!!
I am RainstormZ, I go by Rain, or Storm :). I am currently in college. I am a Double major, in Premed Chemistry and Music (Vocal) along with a Japanese minor. I love to write though, its my passion in life besides music. I wish I had the time and extra credit hours to take more writing classes, but with my current work load and three choir practices on top of my own private rehearsal times, I just don't have time.

I am currently breaking out my writing portfolio and gonna restart a few of my older projects. It has been too long since I have touched some of them. And I am working on two newer stories at the moment also. And in the mix I will be working on flash fictions to get back into the grove of writing a lot again. I have an easy semester so I will be writing tons in the next couple months! Also taking part in NaNoWriMo!



Singing, Reading, Writing, Sports, Piano, Cello


College Student

Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.
— Welcome to Night Vale