Hey Ethan, nice to--well, not really meet you--nice to read your postage. I'm Caitlin, I'm 13 and if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a PM. And ...
Nov 1, 2007
10/10. insightful. and a definite possilbility
Oct 7, 2007
:( *cries* That was great should show Alex. It made we almost cry :( XXXXX [Caitlin]
Oct 5, 2007
Mwahahahahahah!! I am, also going to do one of these. And even though I'll feel like a copy-cat, it shall be funn :D XX [Caitlin]
Sep 30, 2007
:O omg! I wanna paired! Pretty please? With cherries on top?? :D XX [Caitlin]
Sep 29, 2007
I personally, believe that Pat is totally amzing...but for me, Jeff Dunham is the answer to every question...that might just be me though.....;) XX [Caitlin]
Sep 29, 2007
I would now like to make some more addition becuase I keep remembering people. Vernon[Siegfrieg] Becuase he's awesome. Misfit Prince Becuase he's friends with Ethan and he sounds really cool. ...
Sep 10, 2007
Hmm..this was interesting. I liked it a lot. It was well written, I mean last year when I was that old, I couldn't do a poem this weel written and ...
Sep 10, 2007
I agree with Kyte. I liked it a lot. It was short, and consise, and you got your point across without repeating things, besisdes 'Mister' but that was over used. ...
Sep 10, 2007
Hey! I remember this!!! You showed it to me the last Christmas I was at your guys's house. I still like it a lot. And I really wasn't bored by ...
Sep 10, 2007
I would definitely have to agree with the previous posts. I didn't catch the metaphor, and nothing really climactic about it, but I really liked it for that reason, I ...
Sep 9, 2007
This was awesome! It's like, writer's block described completely. Well, the basis of it. I find that writer's block is not the same for every one, and you seemed to ...
Sep 9, 2007
I really liked this. This metaphor you've chosen was really a great one. It makes perfect sense, and it doesn't get confusing. Short and to the point, my kind of ...
Sep 9, 2007
I'll have to agree with most of the previous posts...I liked it a lot. But, like Fand, it doesn't really stand out in my mind. You would do weel to ...
Sep 9, 2007
I agree with Snoink and Misty for the most part. I mean, I liked it, but I think a shorter version might have sufficed. It was a little hard to ...
Sep 9, 2007