
Young Writers Society


Photo of OreosAreLife

About Oreos

Hi I'm Ashley. I was formerly AshleyDashley. I write mostly poetry and I love talking to people. I love making new friends and I write whatever comes to my mind at that moment so I can publish it later! I'm a very curious person and love asking questions and getting to know people. So if you decide to talk to me you have been warned. I graduated Class of 2018. I love Oreos, and think that are the best food on the planet. I'm taking life one day at a time. If you don't like Harry Potter..... We have a problem then because I am a Potterhead to the core. I love swearing. So sorry.


OREOS, Reading, Writing, Watching Movies, Drawing, Hanging out with friends and family, Watching Once Upon a Time, Supergirl, Manifest, and Supernatural. I love the anime. I've seen Black Butler, Yuri! On Ice, and Tokyo Ghoul. But mostly I listen to BVB, MCR, BMTH, FIR, MIW, SWS, Get Scared, Ashes Remain and many others.


Reader of Books, Eater of Oreos (obviously)

Sometimes even shooting stars find wishes that miss their marks.
— TryHardNinja