
Young Writers Society

Hello, welcome to chaos

woahhhhh wuh wait what are you doing here

Heyo! If you’re reading this, I am alive and fairly okay. I'm not super active on YWS, but you may see me stalking poking around forums and reading new works from the Green Room.

Anyways... if you've found me, congratulations! (I'm kind of impressed.) Feel free to read the, you know, actual bio - it's very free and very right below this sentence.

Quick stats:
- Nickname: Joy
- Age: 19
- Pronouns: she/her
- Appearance: Tall, pale, and average-looking with chest-length brown hair and hazel eyes. Wears sweaters, jeans and occasionally ear cuffs.
- Personality: (idk, who can judge their own personality accurately amirite)
- Disclaimer: I have a limited perspective on life. Please let me know if I act ignorant. thank you ;]

Webcomic Dump:
I really like webcomics - or, at least, I have in the past. I try not to read them anymore (they can be *incredibly* addicting), but here's an unordered list of some that I highly recommend:
- Vattu (epic fantasy)
- Gunnerkrigg Court (fantasy, sci-fi)
- Paranatural (comedy, supernatural)
- On a Sunbeam (sci-fi, some romance elements)
- Finding Home (slow burn romance, fantasy)
- The Life of Melody (romance, fantasy)
- Always Human (romance, sci-fi)
- A Better Place (sci-fi, some horror elements)
- All-Night Laundry (horror, sci-fi)
- Ava's Demon (sci-fi fantasy, some horror elements)
- Sleepless Domain (magical girl, fantasy, some horror elements)
- How to Be a Werewolf (supernatural)
- Star Hammer (superhero)
- Erma (horror, comedy)
- Stagtown (horror)
- Demon's Mirror (fantasy, some horror elements)
- City of Blank (sci-fi, comedy)
- Castoff (fantasy)

Podcast Corner
I have recently discovered that I like listening to podcasts! Normally I go for fiction podcasts, but I'm currently expanding my podcast portfolio so that might change. Below is a short list of some I've liked so far. I'm actually going to put short descriptions for these because I'm not sure what genre The Amelia Project is (and also just because I want to haHA):
- The Magnus Archives: Jonathan Sims, newly appointed Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, records statements of horrifying, supernatural occurrences. But is there something larger lurking behind these statements?
- The Magnus Protocol: Sequel to The Magnus Archives. It's aright so far. Just... listen to The Magnus Archives first, trust me.
- Welcome to Nightvale: Community radio show host Cecil reports on the morbid and mundane events that happen in Nightvale, a strange town in the desert. (I consider this something of a comedy-horror.)
- The Amelia Project: The Amelia Project is an underground organization that fakes its clients' deaths and sets them up with new lives - provided those clients have an interesting story. Cocoa is involved.
- The Bright Sessions: Dr. Bright conducts therapy sessions with rather exceptional individuals, including (not limited to) a woman who can travel through time, an empath, and a mind-reader.
- If you have any good podcast recommendations, PM me!

Below is a run-on sentence of my general interests in no particular order. Pretty standard bio stuff.

So... yeah! Nice to meet you, I guess!

(how many times have i redone this bio again)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Webcomics (not just from webtoon), fiction podcasts, horror movies (in theory), well-written fanfiction, well-written original works (like the stuff on YWS... which is one of the reasons I still hang out here), fantasy worlds, magic systems, roleplaying games, behavioral psychology, developmental biology, cell biology, animation, singing, songwriting, music in general... and I guess we'll see what else



It's easier to come up with new stories than it is to finish the ones you already have. I think every author would feel that way.
— Stephanie Meyer