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  • Random avatar
    Feb 8, 2013

    So I got this update that says this "GawravMehta replied to your reply on pletta's Wall" and I know I'm going to betray my ignorance here but how do I read or find where to read where that is. It keeps happening and I never see anything except the notification.

  • sunxkissedxme
    Feb 20, 2012

    I love your facebook (fakebook) story!! Fantastic. :D keep it up...I love your work.

  • PiesAreSquared
    Dec 12, 2011

    Hey, it’s not enough to just write. If you review other people’s works, you will get not only points, but if you keep your eyes open, will be able to see methods and terminology that you can implement into your own writing style to improve!

  • Elena_Ravenhill
    Dec 12, 2011

    Love your work, keep it up.

    GawravMehta Thank you!
    Dec 13, 2011

  • PiesAreSquared
    Dec 11, 2011

    I really like your facebook story, so here's 200 points :P

    GawravMehta OMG! 200 points! In two hundred points I can post 2 chapters. Thanks ZLYF, next two chapters are exclusively for you. Thanks a lot for donating. You really motivated me. Thanks from the core of heart. Don't forget to check out. I've posted further chapters. :D
    Dec 12, 2011

    PiesAreSquared I know that! I just have enough time to read them, but I will review if I have the time!
    Dec 12, 2011

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  • Anshita
    Dec 10, 2011

    There you go, donated 50 poited :)
    Keep writing :)

    GawravMehta Yay! I recieved donation of 50 points. That means half of chapter is sponsered by you. Thanks a lot for helping me in writing half chapters. Thanks you very much! :D
    Dec 11, 2011

  • Oh, 'allo there.
    I don't know about prominent, but I'll see if I have the time. Schedule's a little bit too full, sorry...
    ...hm. A YWSer from India? :D Welcome, hon!

    GawravMehta No problemo1
    Dec 10, 2011

  • No problem, I shall review the first chapter some time tonight. :)

  • StellaThomas
    Dec 5, 2011

    Hey Gawrav! Saw your note on my wall. I see some other people have already mentioned the WRFF- but I don't keep a WRFF thread so I can't complain about people requesting in other ways :) But the most effective way to get reviews on YWS is to give reviews! How many people have you requested reviews for each chapter off? It probably adds up to quite a lot of requests! So the best way to make people want to fulfill them is to get yourself out on the forums and give the kind of helpful, well rounded reviews you would like to get :)

    That said, I'll have a look at this- but not right now. I have exams at the moment so my review levels are pretty low. Give me a few weeks!

    If you have any questions feel free to PM me about them :)

    -Stella x

  • Tigersprite
    Dec 5, 2011

    I can't promise that I'll review that anytime soon, because I've got a huge workload from school at the moment and I've already promised other YWSers reviews. Plus, it's probably best to post in the Will Review for Food Forum. It's almost a little...rude, to post on someone's rule so abruptly, without knowing them personally. Just a note for the future. ;)

    GawravMehta Aye, aye captain! :)
    Dec 5, 2011

  • TwistedMuffins
    Dec 5, 2011

    Hey. Sure, I'll take a look at it. Though, it may take me sometime. I've promised others a review or two, and I haven't got enough time. I'll be sure to do it, though! It is on my reading list!

    So, you are an Indian too, huh? How are you finding YWS so far? :)

    GawravMehta Superlike! It's great place, specially people. They are so nice that sometime i wonder 'kiss kiss ko pyaar karu kaise pyaar karu. Yay bhi hai wo bhi hai tu bhi hai. Haiiiii'
    Time? Hmmm..Make sure you review before I die. :)
    OMG! Do I have cancer? I must stop smoking. :P

    Dec 5, 2011

    GawravMehta By the way, what does JT stands for?
    Dec 5, 2011

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  • Hey :)
    I reviewed your introduction! Do allow me lots of time to get it all done, I've exams, lots of homework and some reviews owed. I'll try and do as much as I can as soon as I can. Bear with me for now :)

    One down, five reviews to go!

    GawravMehta Mac, thanks a tonne! I really appreciate your feedback. That was very very helpful. You must concentrate on you homework and exams. Don't worry! I won't be deleting post from thread. You can give me before I die. *Coughing* Do I have cancer? Am I going to die tomorrow. OMG! I must stop smoking. :D
    Dec 5, 2011

    Blues Smoking's bad! :O
    You're welcome. I'm glad to help :)

    Dec 5, 2011

  • Hey, about your request to review your novel- I'll try getting around to it, but I have a couple other reviews that I've promised people that I'd finish this week.

    Another tip- try asking people in the WRFF forums, so long as they say that they'll review full novels. ;) You usually get better results that way.

  • Uhm. I'd prefer if you didn't pound on my wall like this.
    I shall see. There are also other reviews I have promised to give, and I can't keep reading one person's right now.

    GawravMehta No problem ma'am! I can understand. It's absolutely fine. :)
    Dec 5, 2011

  • shiney1
    Dec 5, 2011

    I know you have asked me to review your novels more than once this week, but sorry, I only review poetry and art, and rarely short stories. :(

    GawravMehta No problem ma'am! I hate ' :( ' smiley speicaly on girls face. So ' :) ' Its absolutely fine. :D
    Dec 5, 2011

    shiney1 :)
    Dec 5, 2011

Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.
— Sir James Dewar, Scientist