
Young Writers Society


About DoomBlade87

Biography? Like 'story of my life' biography? Why would anyone want to know that? You do? Okay whatever floats your boat.....
I was born in London, England, but live in the US of A and have for a long time. I'm a high school student who has a lot of imagination but not enough conviction to get a story finished(IM TRYING OKAY!) I love small furry animals and large shiny weapons, I like music and reading and writing and drawing, and insanity is my favorite of the thirteen sins(yes there are thirteen in my Book). That's pretty much it. Are you happy now?


I looove to read. I also spend as much time as possible on my computer. Mostly writing and reading. I also love music, not just listening but I love to play instruments. I also like to touch stuff. I'm the last person you want in your antique shop. I just have to feel the texture of EVERYTHING I can get my hands on. Also, tell me I'm a freak, and my response will be, 'thank you'. :P


I keep insanity from going instinct. Employed to myself.

As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
— Pablo Neruda