Parting of soulswhere we all come togethermourning for the wretched soul.Sinners alike to shed their judgementletting it fall into our lapsA massacre of hate.Hypocrites that scorn you;cut into your soNov 1, 2011 -
I know this is a very raw poem, but its from the heart?Loves for the birds in the trees,but babe I don’t know,if I could stand the image of you ...Nov 19, 2011 -
"The thing is Mom. Your opinion hold no value in my eyes, nor does your preacher’s or your husband’s. I will be whatever I want to be. I will be ...Dec 7, 2011 -
If I beg you not to leavewill you stay with me and believe,in stories of Santa’s reindeerthat you whispered in my ear.This is our compassionate moment although filled with torment,of ...Dec 17, 2011 -
It walked down the empty streetWindows, shut tight before its passing;Only slices of light made it to the bounced up and down slightly as it walkedI peeked out from behind ...Jan 19, 2012