
Young Writers Society


About BlueKangaroo

I am an 18-year-old Christian young woman, a freshman in college, majoring in International Studies (specifically Middle Eastern studies).

I was born 4 months premature, weighing 1 pound and 12 ounces at birth, and I have a ton of health issues. My medical file resembles Webster's Dictionary. If you ever need medical advice for a story, ask away - chances are I'll be able to answer! When I'm not in the hospital (or visiting it for checkups), I enjoy reading, writing stories, playing computer games, and hanging out with friends.

I speak passable Spanish, really bad French, and decent Arabic. My dad is a former police officer, and has taught me to handle pistols and rifles. We compete in target shooting matches together. For more on those, check out the International Defensive Pistol Association at http://www.idpa.com


IDPA pistol and rifle target shooting, reading, writing, camping, hiking, horseback riding, and ice skating

I say, in matters of the heart, treat yo' self.
— Donna, Parks & Rec