Squirtlepowiee Oh no! What's wrong?
Feb 5, 2017
Finals are done, the snow is coming down thick, and my bestie is back from Chicago for break. It's a great time to be alive
I've got 21 days before I take my summer hiatus - hopefully I can get some good work done before then!
finally found time between school and work to update some of my writing
it has been too long...
Iggy Are you using it right? We use bbcode, not HTML, so don't be using <>, use []. Make sure you have your codes in the right order or it won't work, such as [ b ][ i ][ /i ][ / b] (minus spaces). Always use / not \ cause it won't work if you have [\b]
Or you can just click "full reply" and click the buttons to make the code pop up on its own.
Aug 27, 2015
BlackhawkUnder yeah that's what I did. it works in my reviews for other people's works but not the stuff I publish myself =\
Aug 27, 2015
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Really wishing my Edgar Allan Poe wasn't packed up right now >.< Moving is a pain.
Feb 4, 2017