It is quite an interesting story. /sarcasm
Once upon a time, there was a younger me (Mikayla) who had bad pronunciation and could not say her name right, so she said it mateeah.
The End!!!!!
What about yours, Miss Atreeah?
Hi. Our user names are very alike lol, just thought I'd sign your guest book and say that!
**sighs** Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine! I hated being called kid...always reminded me of goats. XD
Aaaaanywayz, y'know, mods? Moderators? The people with green usernames? They keep the forums running smoothly?
Haha, I'm lazy too though, so I can't blame you... :P
Dude, I'm not [i:dc28535e44]that[/i:dc28535e44] much younger than you y'know? Only like three years...
Oh, and you should start capitalizing i's and all that before some mod pounces on ya! :wink:
Dec 11, 2021