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Young Writers Society


  • twiggy
    Mar 31, 2023

    Your username is amazing

  • Ljungtroll
    Aug 10, 2021

    Thanks for the follow! To what do I owe the honor?

  • Whoops its been a while since I was here last! Got busy with uni, surviving the plague, moving in with friends and then moving again to escape ex-friends, and all the while learning more about politics and history and people and realizing that i'm pretty leftist, so that's cool. I've barely written for myself in the past year though, and now that I'm finally in a stable living situation and the brain-static seems to be lifting a little, perhaps I'll make a comeback here :) Hope y'all are doing good!

  • Holysocks
    Aug 26, 2019

    Thanks for the follow! C:

  • Oh boy, I've been thinking about LMS ever since I learned about it, but now I have to make a decision, and I don't want to join and then immediately drop out if I'm busy, but I also don't want to not even try... And I'm almost done planning my current project so it would be the perfect incentive to really finish it! (It's actually a revamp and "actually planning so I get it right this time" after several false starts, but since I'll be writing everything new I don't think that matters.) Argh decisions...

    Mageheart If it's a revamp of an older work, you would be participating in #lms as a rogue instead of a warrior - you wouldn't have as much pressure to post every week. I did it as a warrior last round, but I'm pretty sure you could skip a week or two as a rogue.

    So I say go for it!

    Aug 25, 2019

    paperforest Ooh good to know! Hmm...
    Aug 25, 2019

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  • Magestorrow wrote:Those who have been on the site for awhile might recognize this collection of links as the list I post every #ReviewDay - but, if you've never seen these threads before, here's some handy guides on how to review! There's a lot, so I highly suggest picking and choosing the ones that sound the most helpful if you only have time for a quick read.

    Reviewing Writers More Skilled Than You
    A Rundown On Reviewing
    The YWS Critique Sandwich
    How To Write A Good Critique
    Review Templates
    Tough Love or Just Being Mean?
    What isn't a good critique?
    The YWS Reviewing Dictionary

    Link to original comment

    Mageheart Thanks for the repost!
    Aug 25, 2019

  • Hey, so... guess I disappeared for a while there. Sorry about that! This summer's been kind of crazy, and it feels like it just disappeared! Anyways, how have you all been? Do anything cool this summer?

    I've been working full time (I got the job I was worried about, and it's been hard but also really interesting and fun - it requires a fair amount of public speaking, which terrifies me, but I think I'm getting better!). Aside from that I mostly just read, wasted time on the computer, and managed to spend a bit of time with friends. Also, even though I've written barely anything, I've been trying to outline my story properly and had a couple revelations on what I want it to be about, so that's good, and I'm hoping to have a little more brainspace and time to start redrafting it once I get settled - because I'm going to university this fall! So that's been a lot of stuff to do to get ready to go away - I'm not only going to school, but I'm moving to a completely different province - it's like a 2 hour plane ride, which doesn't sound like much but it's a terrifying distance on the ground. But I've been to the city before and it's beautiful, and I'll be by the sea! And I'm hoping that in the process of moving I'll pare down my clutter and have more brainspace for thinking and living and such. Anyways, that turned into a life update... Um, I'm going to try to be around here more, but we'll see how much energy I have for reviews and such. So hi again I guess!

    Mageheart Welcome back!
    Aug 19, 2019

    fatherfig Hi, I also disappeared though it seems you did something with your life when that happened it is great you are getting in a uni and I am proud of you. I am glad you will be living somewhere beautiful that you like. I hope you get to clear your brain clutter and get some more time. I am doing okay, I threw a late easter sleepover for my cousins.
    Aug 19, 2019

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  • Welp, this is a bit late, but I'd just like to say that April was really fun - attempting to complete #NaPoWriMo really pushed me to write down anything remotely poetic that I thought of (which was really good because I think of lots of things but rarely make it to the writing-down process...) and then wrangle these bits into passable poems on a deadline. And while I only wrote 13 instead of the attempted 30 poems, that's still 13 poems! That's about 11 more that I usually write in a good month.

    So many thanks to @alliyah, who pushed me to sign up for NaPo, and @niteowl, my other NaPo buddy! Belated congratulations to both of you for writing so many amazing poems, and thank you so much for your encouragement and comments. If you haven't already, go read their beautiful NaPo threads.

    (I know, I know, this is really late, sorry... *fades away into the void from whence she came*)

    alliyah Thanks paperforest! Loved getting the opportunity to read your poetry - it was a fun month!
    May 13, 2019

  • And Review Day just snuck up on me! I really wanted to do it this month, but it's evening now and tomorrow's going to be super busy. Maybe I'll join a team and just do one. Every little bit counts, right? Right.

  • AAH! April (and NaPo) is almost here! I guess it's time to see what I did of my #MarchGoals !
    - I'm definitely more caught up on Poems a Week than I was! Only a few behind now.
    - I applied for that job! And got an interview! And circumstances have made last year's job potentially super boring this year, so the hard decision has now become a lot easier. Crossing my fingers that I get the new job!
    - I'm not done the online courses... I guess it's a good thing I have a few weeks before their actual deadlines.
    - I have applied to precisely one scholarship this month! And I have a giant bookmark folder of a bunch more I can apply to, organized by due date. It's both stressful and reassuring at once.
    - This month, I have written... nearly nothing. Barely even any reviews. Oops. I think I've just been in a writing funk, not to mention that my energy has been distracted by all my other goals and also surviving this two-week-long cold that has swept through my family and severely depleted my thinking and breathing abilities.
    -And last but not least, I think I actually aced my last goal! I got a new tuner, and have been practicing my guitar almost daily! I still think I should probably get lessons, to make sure I learn proper technique and whatnot, but I've been really enjoying this self-motivated thing. Who knew? Alright, I knew, but still. School made me forget how enjoyable it is to have a project that's just mine. (Writing doesn't count here because I don't write enough. I should though.)
    Well, it's been an ok month. I'm ready for April to start now!

    BluesClues "AHH April is almost here!" is such a mood, and also, who exactly decided it could just go ahead and be April on Monday? They're fired, whoever they are.
    Mar 30, 2019

    paperforest :D Exactly! Management really needs to keep up. (Or slow down? Hmm...)
    Mar 30, 2019

  • BluesClues
    Mar 27, 2019

    Thanks for the follow!

    paperforest You're very welcome! It's a bit belated actually, I started reading the Chosen Grandma a while ago and I can't believe it slipped my mind to follow the creator of such an awesome story! (also, I loved your most recent poem!) :D
    Mar 27, 2019

    BluesClues aldkjfoiejfoiajsdf WELL THANK YOU
    I'm not around so much these days because I'm drowning in homework, but thank you so much! Perhaps I'll see you in a write-in sometime.

    Mar 27, 2019

  • fatherfig
    Mar 13, 2019

    Featured member! Aaaaayeee! *Finger guns waving around ridiculously*
    Congrats buddy!

    paperforest Hi! *waves finger guns back* Thanks! :)
    Mar 14, 2019

    fatherfig :) You're very welcome, any time bud.
    Mar 15, 2019

  • Congratulations

    paperforest Thanks!
    Mar 8, 2019

  • paperforest Hey there!
    Mar 8, 2019

  • Congrats on FM!

    paperforest Thanks! :)
    Mar 8, 2019

Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux (One must imagine Sisyphus happy).
— Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus