37Anatassia73 Hey I finally read your page you like guitar? How long have to played?
Jun 19, 2017
RubyRed A few months but I suck XD lol
Jun 20, 2017
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37Anatassia73 I'm a pretty lame sketcher... I'm working on it. When I find the time and enjoy the drawing my sketching if pretty good, well decent. Do you draw?
Jun 19, 2017
RubyRed Cool, I sketch actually! And I want to get into paints this summer... and I also do chalk drawings but I'm not as good at those.
Jun 19, 2017
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The page is telling me to write a status message (it used an exclamtion point) and I'm listening to a computer... It's like those rock you see that say turn me over and then you do and it says 'you just took orders from a rock' ever seen those? Then I get annoied I did and I chuck the dumb rock... Yep.
Status report. My dumb computer that has no Wi-Fi and I do all of my typing on just died. I think for good and I had just re written the whole first chapter of Quest to Kolob and a chpater of another book I'm writing (my favorite book I'm writing). And I don't know why anyone would be interested in that but there it is any way.
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What type of things do you like to write? I write fantasy novels that are sometimes also mysteries, and enjoy writing realistic fiction short stories.
Also, since this is always a fun question to ask, what is your favorite book or book series?
Oct 6, 2017