Happy birthday, @ThatAndalite! I hope you have an awesome day! You deserve it!
I wish the god-dang "Rules, folders, and settings" option in PMs would be fixed soon.. I have no clue how long ago I submitted that complaint..
“Once you get this, you must publicly say five things you like about yourself, and then send this to ten of your fave followers to SPREAD POSITIVITY!”
#fivethingsilikeaboutme :
1.) I like that I'm creative. It helps a lot with drawing in writing. I mean, I'd probably be tracing pictures if it weren't for that!
2.) I like that I am my own person. I don't follow too closely to others, and I make my own decisions.
3.) I like that I always question things - even authority. It find this to be an important aspect of myself.
4.) I like my personality. I like that sometimes I'm high-strung, but also when I'm down in the dumps, too. I find that pretty interesting, considering most people don't like being sad - but at this point, it's a major part of my personality.
5.) I like that I'm unique - that there is no other person exactly like me. That nobody can truly copy me and be me.
Thanks for listening to me, guys!
I tag @Kelpies, @RainbowPowerPonies, @captainearth, @TriSARAHtops, @Dracula, @ThereseCricket, @Snoink, @Moonwatcher, @ardentlyThieving, @Lareine and anyone else who wants to do it!
ThatAndalite Oof, thank you!
Oct 17, 2016
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ThatAndalite Like just now?
EDIT: (thankyousomuch)
Oct 14, 2016
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ThatAndalite No problem!
Sep 26, 2016
I'm surprised as to what Google can find, in reference to my internet pseudonym.. seriously, it's CRAZY!
So.. I just realized I've been on for more than a year, even though most of that was hiatus..
ThatAndalite Yup!
Sep 16, 2016
I've made a competition club
Here I'll hold competitions of all shapes and sizes. Whether it's writing competitions or reviewing challenges. If you have competition you wish to share feel free to ask.
Want to join?
ThatAndalite Maybe! I'll have to check it out, first!
Sep 20, 2016
ThatAndalite Sometimes.
Jan 27, 2016
wakarimasen And other times?
Jan 27, 2016
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Oct 28, 2017