The director of Treasure Planet managed to sneak in a Star Trek reference.
"You gotta help her!"
"Dang it Jim. I'm an astronomer, not a doctor. I mean, I am a doctor but I'm not that kind of doctor. I have a doctorate, it's not the same thing. You can't help people with a doctorate."
I have a stripey kitten named Tiger/Lucky who chases his tail and tries to drag my stuffed fox off of my bed.
PickledChrissy I used to have a cat names Tiger! He took a sudden trip to the store without telling us. Never say him again...
Jul 26, 2015
Swiftfurthewarrior It's always sad when a cat disappears.
Jul 30, 2015
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That moment when you lose something and work hard for about an hour to create another one, only to find the original.
This happened two days in a row. I'm about ready to strangle something.
Heya Swiftfurthewarrior!!
Thank for the follow! I like your user name. It is like Swiftfur--The brave warrior! I like your background pic too! It is cute!
Swiftfurthewarrior Thanks.
Jun 9, 2015
Konijn Does it end well? I'm still not finished with it yet, so don't spoil anything.
Jun 5, 2015
Swiftfurthewarrior Kind of. It ends with a cliff hanger. The third one ends well too, but Tris dies.
Jun 5, 2015
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Jan 16, 2024