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free2sing Heyyy! Im doing good(: Working on my second book! How about yourself?
Mar 25, 2012
Thanks for the wonderful comment you left on my wall! Can't say I've done much writing lately, but I always check back on YWS. Nice to see some new faces
free2sing Yeah no problem(:
Mar 4, 2012
They are taking away the Jaws ride in UNIVERSAL on January 2!!!!! D: This world really has gone down! D:
If you love something let it go and if it comes back its yours. If it does it never was.
hi! lemme see....I think a story with opposites would be the best. Like a half Cinderella half snow white type of thing, with two people totally different. And maybe they even hated each other to start! (also some Dear, John in there as well!) I like ur username!
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Mar 25, 2012