Through the air, a CadiDragon, suddenly.
alliyah this sounds really fun!
Mar 24, 2023
hi there, Cadi! Just popping in to say I love the alliteration in your NaPo title. (And your profile pic is adorable!)
Cadi Thanks! <3
Mar 24, 2023
To avoid editing as you write, simply write outside with sunglasses on! The polarisation will mean you can't see anything at all on the laptop screen!
Little writing things I enjoy: thinking up a name for a fantasy train station, and deciding what it's like when you sit on the trains that come into it.
Wheee, I took a week off work, and fiiinally found my way back into some writing for the first time in like eleven months!
I'm poking at a novel idea I've had lying around for a few years - but mostly just trying to enjoy myself writing, like, in-universe letters and newspaper clippings and so on. Eventually, the actual story will fall out, or so I hope.
Woke up this morning and wrote ten pages about a character who didn't exist until that moment? Cool. Cool cool cool.
Tenyo I had a friend who stayed up in the wee hours of the morning during Nano, fell asleep at her computer, and woke up to find that whilst she was half asleep she had written a chapter in which a random angry woman in a wheelchair had turned up in her story and started smashing up her scenery and insulting her characters.
May 22, 2020
Mar 24, 2023