earendil Thank you! 😊
Sep 23, 2018
earendil Wow, thank you kindly! It's been ages since I've been on this site, but wow, yes thank you! I very much appreciate the birthday wishes.
Sep 23, 2017
My banner is Kingdom Hearts!
What have you been doing all these years, prodigal prodigal?
earendil Wonderful.
Too many ways to answer that question for me to pick just one. Reinventing and acquiring somewhat of a life story, to put it simply. How about yourself?
Sep 4, 2015
Lumi I spent a lot of years trying to force life to begin only to fail and fail and fail more, so I relaxed into the flow of time and suddenly life happened. I'm still struggling with allowing time to take its course, though. Patience is not my strongest virtue.
Sep 4, 2015
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Not that I'm overly enthusiastic about broadcasting my less-than-average singing voice but it would be cool if YWS would allow you to upload audio files for songs so that you could not only read the poetry in the lyrics, but also hear it. Same for spoken word, or just hearing things read aloud for the sake of hearing the author's voice and emotion behind it.
steampowered You could always paste in a Vocaroo link.
Aug 30, 2015
Lumi Oh my god oh my god ohmygod.
Stay here, love, while I fetch the shackles.
Aug 14, 2015
earendil I've missed you just as much. It's been way too long since I've been on here.
Dec 12, 2012
earendil hai.
Oct 30, 2012
my writing has been kind of personal for a long while so I haven't been posting it .___. but when I'm not writing, I'm here. follow if you want, and if not that's okay too. hope you're all doing well c:
Sep 22, 2022