Would love to upload new material. I just don't want lots of Chapter 1s and 2s all over the place..
Lofty Hehe you're welcome and thankyou! I really liked your 'Firestarters' piece : )
Nov 12, 2011
Butterfly18 Oh thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.
Nov 12, 2011
IcyFlame Review my chapter two? x
Nov 2, 2011
You silly moo! Ask one of the mods to fix it for you! But I will certainly review it!
AAAARGH! How do i add Ch2 of my novel to the rest of the novel?! by the way.. if you want to review it, the link is: viewtopic.php?t=89084
Lofty And now i have created a new novel. oh my god. this is too much hard work! O.o
Oct 18, 2011
Would love to post something on here again but its hard to find the time to write! my only opportunity has been my english controlled assessment block. not cool..
IcyFlame Is it your creative writing? x
Oct 19, 2011
Lofty Mmm... i know. i CAN'T write. i just can't find the time to sit down and type... there is always something to do, and i just can't concentrate. maybe i will be able to tonight. i'll watch Holby and then switch the internet off and WRITE. hopefully! /: xx
Jul 19, 2011
Lofty I am sooo sorry. i am... not very committed... i know. but i HAVE been reading a lot! TORMENT! the second in the 'Fallen' series... it is A-MA-ZING!xxx
Jun 27, 2011
Hello Jade You know you could always review my chapter one if you got a bit of time on your hands
P.S You don't have to if your busy
Lofty I will asap... just have to do a bit of revision for my maths and RE exams first... i'll get to it when i can!xox
Jun 13, 2011
Chelsea4827 Thanks xx
Jun 13, 2011
Jade!! You're back! How was spain? Did you get some good writing ideas?
Also, check out this? I've done quite a lot since you left Much love <3 x
Lofty Spain was AMAZING... omg, i'll tell you all about it on friday! i will have Ch2 finished asap. i have to revise for a little while though, so hopefully i can write tomorrow?xx
Jun 13, 2011
Mar 14, 2013
I just posted Ch 1 of my Sci-fi novel. You may like to read it.
Working title is, Elara.