
Young Writers Society

Rain's Overgrown Garden

Photo of waywardxwanderer

About waywardxwanderer

Hello! My name is Rain, Lover of Frogs and Maker of Creamed Spinach in the Wee Hours of the Morning (this is the title I was knighted under). I'm a Christian, an idealist, and a hugger of trees. Speculative fiction is my jam. Doctor Who is my favourite show, and existential dread is a favourite pastime of mine. Here are some of my favourite words: jukebox, carousel, ephemeral, weatherman, petrichor, apothecary, loam, whimsy, cryptid.


narrative fictional podcasts, anthropology, literature, nature, hiking, harmonica, late night fast food runs, philosophy (or just generally questioning existence and human nature), gardening, etc etc


student, hopeful writer & poet



History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
— Napoleon Bonaparte