Hi, hello, good morning, good evening, good afternoon and goodnight as well as many other pleasant things that I have forgotten due to a juggling accident. Anyway, Wolf here.
This is such a sweet poem. It envelops such a deep longing that resonates well with the readers so that they themselves feel it either through relation or empathy. I quite like the format you use, especially how the bold and itanlicized words add a special emphasis to the lines.
one thing to keep in mind when writing poetry is the rhythm. Here you use lines that are of all different lengths and syllable counts. That is fine but sometimes an out of place word or two can make it difficult to read and remain engrossed in.
Overall this was a beautiful poem and very relatable. I look forward to seeing more of your work. as always remember what you found helpful and ignore the rest. Keep writing and may the force be with you.
Yours truly,
Points: 193
Reviews: 49