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Young Writers Society

Drowning in your love

by shiningsalt

Verse 1

I'm on my own, within your presence

Thinking about you my lord

I close my eyes, and utter praises

For you are almighty and true


All my sins you have forgiven

While you were nailed upon the cross

All i am i trust in you Lord

Im in awe in the power of your love

Chorus 1:

I am drowning in your love

A love that never fails

To you I will surrender

I am drowning in your love

A love that made a way

To purchase me forever

Verse 2

I'm all alone, im here Lord Jesus

ill sing as i worship and praise you

the only God, the only Savior

the name that's above every name (pre-chorus)

chorus 2

I am drowning in your love

A love that never fails

To you I will surrender

I am drowning in your love

a love that will prevail

today unto forever

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Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:27 pm
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PassionateReader wrote a review...

PReader here to review!

Ok so I'm going out on a limb here, trying something new since I don't know that much of what makes a good song. Bear with me here. XD

This song is really honestly amazing. And kinda special for me because of a book I read once. It was sort of an analogy type story where the analogy for salvation was drowning. It was really deep (no pun :)) theologically and kinda challenging to comprehend the full aspects of the analogy, but this song reminded me of that book trilogy.

The song was noticeably short. Actually really short. And the separate chorus is kinda confusing. This may just need a little tuning (again no pun :)).

The lyrics are... predictable. It sounds like a lot of other songs out there. You need to ask yourself, "What can I do to set my song apart as distinct from others?" Also there's no rhyme. Now your prolly thinking, "I didn't rhyme on purpose." And that's ok. But rhyme give a song flow. You want singers to feel flow in a song. And flow makes a song easy to write a tune to, easy to sing, and easy to remember. Do reconsider the lack of rhyme and flow, hmm?

Still I love the song and I love reading stuff like this on here. Really encouraging!!! I wish I new the tune so I could sing it! I love singing... Do you? ;)

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shiningsalt says...

Thankyou for the review. Yeah. I've been singing since I was 7.

"The lyrics are... predictable. It sounds like a lot of other songs out there." -> cool.. I never thought it that way. Actually, I have this dilemma where I keep on using the same word or set of words in a song or three and I really want to expand my vocabulary and creativity. I've been listening to mostly Hillsong and Israel Houghton. Maybe I need to listen to someone else?

"I didn't rhyme on purpose." -> Yep. I haven't rhymed on purpose. My churchmates told me that rhyming really didn't matter and so I gave it a try on the verses. attended song writing seminars and the instructors do say that rhyming is important since it gives the "hook" on a song.

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Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:21 pm
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ChipsMcCoy wrote a review...

Hello, Chips here with a review.

I'm really glad I stumbled upon your lyrical piece today. It was refreshing to see a song, which is Christian based that seemed to mean a lot to you. The impression I garnered from the title and the song combined is that it's a worship song centered around worshiping God for the unconditional love that saved us through grace. Lyrically, I can see it being a song actually being sang.

However, I do have a few nitpicks which may be of help to you.

Verse 1 was generally good, though I had a slight issue with the opening first line of it.

"I'm on my own, within your presence"

It didn't seem to flow rhythmically, the word "within" also could be rephrased as it's not fitting in the line in context. Perhaps, *I'm all alone, in your presence* ? Something along those lines.

"All i am i trust in you Lord

Im in awe in the power of your love"

Here, you jumped in and out of punctuation. The "i"'s should continue being capitalized and you need an apostrophe like so, *I'm* in your second line. The second line also needs to be grammatically correct. Maybe, "I'm in awe *of* the power of your love" ?

"To purchase me forever"

The word, "purchase" doesn't sound too lyrically appealing, especially in this context and topic. You could use a different adjective.

"I'm all alone, im here Lord Jesus

ill sing as i worship and praise you"

Here, you jumped out of punctuation again so be sure to proofread your work. You need apostrophes and uppercase "I''s.

"today unto forever"

As this is the last line of the song, a full-stop would be useful.

Overall this was a lovely song, well done and keep writing! Hope this review helped.


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shiningsalt says...

Thanks chip for reviewing.

*I'm all alone, in your presence* ? > woah. you're right.

The word, "purchase" doesn't sound too lyrically appealing, > yeah. sounds like going to walmart to purchase groceries. i'll think of something else to put in.

PassionateReader says...

Try redeem.

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Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:23 pm
Okuro wrote a review...

This is very beautiful. I can feel all the angles of love you put into it and that to me makes this a very honest piece. I'm not sure if you meant it this way, but to me it seems that the person in this song, who is now religious, was once in a very dark and lonely place and got out of through God's light. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's what I got from it and I liked it. Keep on writing. :)

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shiningsalt says...

Thanks Okuro. Yeah. I was in the dark before. I was saved in 2011.

Okuro says...

No problem, and I'm glad to hear that you're doing better now. (:

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
— Steve Martin