Welcome to YWS microwavey!!
This is a great tale to kick off your writing journey with YWS! I'm here to leave a little review telling you about all the awesome things you did in this story and some of the things that could make it even more awesome! (in my opinion). The critiques are just meant to help us become better writers! Take what you find useful! On to the review...!
Lets start off with what I like about this story...!
This story has a classic feel with the way you've told it and with the moral. Classics are classics for a reason, not just because their old... but because their important! And I think you showcased your message in a lovely way with the cliche tragic ending. (I'm genuinely left wondering how Daryo will make his livelihood now...)
You also did a great job setting up the road for the conflict in the second paragraph.
It was a challenge to get food more than once a day. From day to day, the young child goes to the river to feel its calm environment and refreshing water. She thought of the river as a place to relax, unwind and reconnect with nature. The father’s main job is to cut trees and sell them to get money and maintain the family.
By setting up this contrast between the two characters, Sierra loving nature and Daryo having to tamper with it to survive, not only intrigues the readers to know how their family will function being polar opposites but hints to Sierra's future disdain with her dad's job (And we know classic tales love their foreshadowing and so do readers! Great job).
Now on to some critiques...!
In this paragraph...
All of a sudden, the child asked his father to stop his wrongdoings on nature. But he flatly refused, as he had not yet cleared their debts. Daryo does not bother thinking about his work as he knows that he can feed his child.
...You're telling the reader what happened rather than showing, and it's often harder for the reader to connect to the story if they're just being told what happens. I bet this was an emotional scene with Sierra confessing the connection she feels with nature and how she's hurt by what her fathers doing even though Dayro was just doing what he felt was right...But us readers won't know that if you don't convey that, and therefore we won't be as invested in the story!
I would suggest, for future reference, that you write the dialogue and emotions/facial expressions of this scene to help the readers feel what your characters are feeling and connect with your message more!
I think that's all I have for now! Overall, I really enjoyed this tale and the message!
Keep writing!!!
Points: 1529
Reviews: 15