
Young Writers Society


Photo of googssearchbarz

About googssearchbarz

the ability to do something that frightens one.
"she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"

A girl with severe OCD and anxiety, alongside depression. She enjoys writing, and loves her own creative flow.

Call her Googs, or Google. Whichever you prefer.

Currently Writing: The Adventurers, Book 1

Courageous is one word to describe her, but she likes Badass too.

Feel free to say hello! She isn't shy~

(Profile picture is not me)


Writing, Reading, Drawing, Crystals, Turquoise everything, Galaxy/starry night skies, Anime, Antique Keys, Video Games, The Ocean, etc.


Writer, Artist.

fun fact i hear my evil twin once wrote a story about a hacker who used the name fyshi33k bc there are 33k-ish species of fish and she liked phishing so fyshi-33k made sense but then she got super embarrassed when someone forced her to explain
— VyperShadow