
Young Writers Society

Dear Diary installment 2

by blonde&confused

Sorry if there is a bit of an overlap between he installments, but when i wrote this in word i didn't have it split up at all, it was just a continuous story - like a diary. Please critique

Thursday, Dear Diary,

Went to school. Got ignored by nearly everybody. Sat with friends at lunch i.e. April and Matt, who are getting on like a house on fire. Did homework when I got home. Then stuck head in oven because the oppressive boredom of my life became too much. Just kidding.

Something weird did happen today though, Sam Morgan, this total weirdo, came over and started talking to me during form time before April got there. He is apparently this big super genius and he spends all his time teaching stupid kids after school and helping teachers with their lessons, which is nice and everything, but, you know, still really weird. I wonder why he came over and chatted to me. Probably desperate, or he felt sorry for me. Still he is cute.

List of things I want to do before I turn 30

 Start straightening my hair and putting on make-up every day not just when I can’t get away with not making an effort with my appearance.

 Finally finish Little Women rather than just keep reading the first few chapters and then get so bored that I start reading something else

 Increase my vocabulary, because from reading my diary I can tell I use the words also and like way too often.

 Raise my average grades from a middle D to an acceptable C at least.

 Start being able to express my feelings more maturely and stop being so juvenile.

 Master the art of thinking of great comebacks against Simone and the other members of the popular elite at the actual time I can use it rather than two days later.

 Marry Sam

 Get a good Job

 Move out of my parent’s house

 Clean my room before either my Mum snaps and throws me out or the Sanitation people save her the trouble and kick me out of it themselves.

 Lose that extra 11 or so pounds that has been haunting me for most of my life.

Friday, Dear Diary,

It happened again today! Sam came over and talked to me. Again! He went back over to doing his work the second April walked in, but still he talked to me! For the second day in a row! That’s got to mean something right?

By the way, April’s taking me to a club tonight. But first we’re going to go shopping for some ‘alluring, gorgeous, possibly see-through clothes’. Her words not mine. I was perfectly happy for us to stay in, watch TV and eat popcorn. But apparently it is some sort of cardinal sin to stay in on a Friday night when you live in London. And apparently turning up at a club in jeans and a sensible sweater is on a par with turning up completely drunk and naked at aforementioned club. In fact that might be a more acceptable situation from what I’ve gathered from April.

April really seems to be settling in, she’s certainly seems to be getting more used to the school system. On the first day, it looked like there was going to be problems as someone called her a Goth and she threatened to hit them, and probably would have if I hadn’t held her back. But she seems to be taking all this stuff in her stride now and only swearing profusely at them now instead.

Saturday Morning, Dear Diary,

Last night was the most fun I have ever had. Seriously. First of all April talked me into buying these really tight black trousers and then a bright red top with a neckline that left little to the imagination. I think I looked pretty good to be honest with you. And my outfit still wasn’t as outrageous as April’s. She had on this dark black corset top and then a little black skirt that showed off practically the whole of her legs, which are really thin and muscular by the way. Just like the rest of her body. Apparently she does an hour and a half of kickboxing every day and so now she looks like wonder woman.

Anyway, once we’d chosen our outfits we went to this really cool nightclub where the doormen barely glanced at our ids, which were completely fake by the way. We had a bottle of this alcoholic drink thing, and I think I got a little drunk. Yay for me, when I first moved here, no way would I have been able to get drunk. I wouldn’t have known the right people.

And April is so cool. I ended up telling her all about Sam and she said well of course he fancies you- you’re gorgeous. Which is of course the perfect test for a friend, when they lie to you about your appearance just to make you feel better. She told me that I should flirt with him next time he comes over or invite him to come out with us next time we came here (yeah right, like I could ever ask him out, it would be too embarrassing if he said no). I told her that I didn’t know how to flirt, so she demonstrated how to on one of the cute guys at the bar that had been glancing at her all night. I couldn’t exactly hear what she said, but she did manage to get his phone number so it must have worked.

To Do List

 Return top and trousers before parents spot them

 Must start (and finish) writing story for competition thing

 Learn to be assertive like April

 Practice smiling in the mirror until I look like a normal person, not an insane or high person

 Practice flirting technique. God knows how I should go about doing that though. On second thoughts I’ll just stick to the smiling thing.

Monday, Dear Diary,

What is with this school? The only thing they seem to teach us is that the pretty and popular will always be treated like they are some sort of gods, no matter how horrible they actually are on the inside. No one here even seems to care what they’re like on the inside. They all seem to go ‘you’re pretty, therefore you must be a lovely person’. HA!

Oh no, Simone is heading over towards me. I wonder what she wants, maybe if I pretend that I haven’t seen her she’ll just go away.

‘Oh, I just love your jumper, where did you get it? Laura Ashleigh? Or did your mother make it herself to save money? You know I really respect that you would fly in the face of fashion and wear something like that. Me? I’d never have the courage. I’d be way too afraid of looking like a complete idiot. But you don’t seem to be afraid of that at all’.

You have to admire the way that even when the popular elite insult you they still manage sugar coat it in such a way that a teacher could see it as a compliment. If they were blind that is. Anyway like I care what she thinks of my clothes, it’s just a jumper to go over my school uniform so that I don’t freeze to death from Simone’s icy cold glares. Maybe if I just ignore her she’ll get the message and go away.

‘Oi, I was talking to you. Don’t you know that it is rude to ignore people?’

‘Leave her alone Simone. She’s not hurting anyone’, Matt says as he strolls over to sit with me.

‘Excuse me, was I talking to you? Uh, no, because you’re a boring little square and I have better things to do’.

God, what gives her the right to go around treating people like this? It’s such a shame they don’t allow guns in this school. In America, Simone would have been at least threatened with a shooting by now.

‘Do we have a problem over here?’ April asks, looking like she’d like to kill Simone. Remembering her story of the compass incident, I quickly (and hopefully discreetly) gathered up the sharp cutlery nearest to April.

‘No, of course not. I was just coming over to introduce myself to you.’ Simone aimed one of her special I’m-so-much-better-than-you-doesn’t-it-just-make-you-want-to-die looks at April.

‘Which you’ve done. So now you can just vamoosh and leave us in peace’. April quipped, aiming an evil look of her own at Simone.

Oh my god, what is April doing? You can’t just move to a new school and tell the head cheerleader and therefore most popular girl in school to vamoosh. It just is not done. I completely retract my earlier comment of her starting to get the school system. She doesn’t have a CLUE!

‘Why don’t you go crawl back into whatever dive you and your family came from? Oh wait that’s right, you can’t because you were expelled for being a loony. I guess this school’s standards have really slipped lately if they’re letting screwed up little tarts like you in’ Simone hissed nastily at April.

‘What did you call me?’ Then without waiting for an answer April launches herself at Simone. The rest of the lunchroom just stands there quietly watching, even though Simone is practically screaming. Then Mrs Young comes in and hauls them both off to see the head.

April just called me to say that she has been suspended for two days and apparently Simone didn’t even get told off. I tried to explain to her that the head teacher might have a little trouble empathizing with her seeing as apparently Simone has a black eye and a fat lip and April doesn’t have a scratch on her. She appeared to consider this theory, but then decided that this was instead a big conspiracy made up to protect the pretty popular ones and condemn everyone else.

I love talking to April; she has such funny ideas sometimes. Plus I can’t wait to get to school tomorrow and see if Simone really does have a fat lip.

Tuesday, Dear Diary,

Oh my god, you will never believe what happened at school today. Simone came in with these big black glasses on and then Mrs Young made her take them off in form room. And she had a giant black eye! It was all purple and black and had little yellow spots in it. I don’t want to be mean, but ha! Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.

And then throughout the whole day she kept glaring at me like it was my fault. I mean hello; did I tell her to aggravate the new girl? No, I didn’t and I didn’t ask her to come over to our table. This is all completely her fault. I hope this teaches her not to go up to people and call them tarts or loonies.


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378 Reviews

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Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:43 am
sokool15 says...

Heh heh heh...hope you'll continue this. I really, really like it.
*echo of above critiques* but otherwise great.
Yours always, 8)

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Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:07 am
JC wrote a review...

Saturday Morning, Dear Diary,

This one didn't have the same bold and stuff as the others ones. That and it was right below the previous paragraph. Just a little aberration I thought you'd like to know about. =D

‘Oi, I was talking to you. Don’t you know that it is rude to ignore people?’

‘Leave her alone Simone. She’s not hurting anyone’, Matt says as he strolls over to sit with me.

‘Excuse me, was I talking to you? Uh, no, because you’re a boring little square and I have better things to do’.

Now, I understand that this is in a diary type thing, but these should still be " < those things. Because it's dialog being said out loud as if it were happening.

Okay, it was muchos easier to get into this section, there was more action. Less tangents. Also I noticed a lack of errors, made me uber happy =D.
Not much for me to say (I know, you must be happy now right?) hehe. Yeah, so, I'll most likely read more tonight depending on how long my eyes let me. But if not tonight I'll defiantly read what I can tomorrow. =D


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Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:36 am
Misty wrote a review...

I was thrilled by the beginning of this, very funny (the head in oven bit). And I so know about that eleven pounds that haunts you...I'm down to four! Hoorah! Your character makes me feel like celebrating my victories with her and marking off my own to-do lists. Congrats. Continue. :)

Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.
— Robert Brault