
Young Writers Society


Photo of Xunnamius

About Xunnamius

Let's see.

I find it hard to finish things that I start... even if they're _really_ good. I have too many ideas T_T

Xunn's mai name! Philosophy's mai game! (Among hundreds of other things <.<)

I don't know... maybe I'm just bias for the underdog, but if I see an Advanced Critique with 0 Reviews or a Story/Poem with no response... I feel I must step in! I know how it feels to be the underdog. It's fun. But not as fun as getting your hard earned work read by someone who cares!

Xunnamius, at your service. *bows*

You may address me as "Xunn" if you so wish. :P


Many. Too Many.


Meh. Stuff. You know.



History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
— Napoleon Bonaparte