
Young Writers Society

16+ Language

​Muster Heroes – Quicksave 19

by TinkerTwaggy

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language.

Battle at the Flagship Fortress! Team Daemorph's Tank Formation

I don't know about Mars, but personally I think it's very easy to get attached to some of these characters and forget that they're NPCs. I mean, well, I actually know he'll agree, but if him, me and Lionel were a team of players, he'd be the battle-hungry one, so I'm not sure he'd focus on that aspect of things as a player – he knows what I mean. The point is, I often found myself checking on the Beta-testers just to hear the dialogues of some of the bosses again. And apparently, they were doing that a lot too.

Sonja Rollins, Interview after the presentation of Project Muster Heroes

The smile that Kamikaz wore never disappeared, even when she embraced with open arms the cannonball that exploded in her face.

“Ouch, that must've hurt...” Yatsu commented, staring like the others at the cloud of black smoke that appeared right in front of Kamikaz. She was resting on the ground, unmoving.

“Kaz! Are you alright?”

Fulguro's face appeared in Kamikaz's inverted line of sight. Not that she cared, as her entire body shook at the effect of an uncontrollable laughter.

“...What the heck just happened?” Kamikaz inquired while trying to catch her breath. “Why am I on the ground? Sorry but since there's no actual pain, I just saw a red flash and the next second I was staring at the… night sky of a crocodile's insides!” she roared of laughter once more, holding her sides like her life depended on it.

Yatsu's mask also appeared in her line of sight. “Try using your brain for something else than just kicking butts. Didn't you hear the cannon shot?”

Kamikaz stared at Yatsu's mask and her eyes widened, as she finally realized what had happened to her. “I got shot in the face by a freakin' cannonball! I got shot in the face by a freakin' cannonball!”

“Okay so she's a lost cause.” Yatsu commented as she rolled on the ground. “So, what d'you guys think? Should I get a shield up to see if we can run through the cannonballs? 'Cause that one hit Kamikaz pretty fast.”

“Nah, it's… It's useless… Okay… Okay, I'm calm.” Kamikaz assured. She rose from the ground as well as she could and checking her Menu despite remnants of occasional giggles escaping her mouth. “Okay, so… A good chunk of my Health Bar disappeared with that one shot, and there are four cannons aimed at whoever walks on the paved path.”

“That and there's no actual entrance.” Fulguro intervened. “So, we'll probably have to blow a hole inside of the ship. Which means that we'd better destroy these cannons first.”

“I'll play the bait.”

Yatsu and Fulguro gazed at J, who walked past them and walked towards the paved path, rapier in hand. Kamikaz's smirk finally disappeared as she stared at her, surprised by her behavior. She looked at Fulguro.

“...So first, actually talkin' to me, and now, acting as a bait for our squad's sake?” Kamikaz commented. “Dude, what kind of drugs did you put her on? Can I get some for Lil' Met, please?”

“Shut the fuck up.” J intervened coldly, swinging her rapier with irritation. “I'm doing this for me.”

“Naaah, c'mon Sis, I'm sure you–” Kamikaz didn't finish her sentence: J's rapier had swiftly moved in front of her nose.

“Don't. Push. It.” J hissed in a menacing tone. She turned her head towards Fulguro. “Don't move until I ask you to. Then you can destroy those cannons if you want. But I need them for myself first.”


“I don't know what you're going to say, Thunder Boy.” J interrupted. “But this time it better not be another useless question.”

“R-Right… uh...” Fulguro couldn't help but think twice about the phrasing of his next words. “You… Might want to come out of the paved ground over there if your health goes too low! To use a Health Potion and all that.”

J stared at him for several seconds, while he silently hoped that she wouldn't shrug him off again. “Mm. We'll see. But you do make a good point.” J opened her menu and sent a Trade Request to Fulguro. Frowning, he accepted the request, and his eyes widened as he watched J giving him all the fifteen Health Potion she had in stock. He gave her an interrogative gaze.

“I told you.” J simply said as she closed her menu and walked towards the giant ship. “I'm doing this for me.” The cannons of the ship aimed themselves at her the very second she stepped on the paved ground, and she bent her knees, ready to dart away.

“So, you don't mind being ordered around?”

With regret, Fulguro turned his head away from J's performance to look at Yatsu. “I'm sorry?”

“You don't mind being ordered around like that?” Yatsu repeated. “Because it's kind of annoying that she barely talks and insults everyone whenever she does. Just sayin'.”

Fulguro shrugged. “Nah, I don't mind. That's just the way she talks. And you know, we're supposed to deal with whatever comes next here until everyone else arrive, so if she wants to dodge the cannonballs there, I'm not gonna stop her. I'm not her dad.”

“Yeah okay, that's a valid point.” Yatsu admitted. “But I kinda wish I knew what her deal was.”

“Don't we know that already?” Fulguro replied. “She doesn't like people.”

“Mind if I sit here?” Kamikaz intervened, sitting in front of Fulguro and Yatsu while planting her beloved trident next to her. “Somethin' tells me that Sis doesn't want me to be a cheerleader right now, so I'm just gonna watch too.”

“Oh wow, J can make Kaz shut up whenever she wants.” Yatsu commented, sarcastic. “I take it back, she's not annoying, she's a boss.”

Kamikaz giggled. “I hate you too, Maskeep.”

“I'm just saying.”

Kamikaz titled her head back, gazing at Yatsu's mask. “That line's gonna get old really soon y'know. Careful with that.”

“Why should you care?”

“Because you need more awesome catchphrases, Maskreep!”

“Says the girl who needs to say 'begone, heretic!' every time she burns someone. I'm sorry, but my custom catchphrases are way better than yours. And at least they reference to actual things.”

“Heeeey, I disagree! My latest one…!”

“The… Exploder Pike thingy, right?”

“Yeah! Exploder Pike! I customized it too, and the result's pretty neat! That,” Kamikaz continued, pointing a dramatic finger at Yatsu, “and nobody disses my Devil's Breeze! It's poetic and destructive, what's not to like?”

As Kamikaz and Yatsu kept on bickering on the complexity of catchphrases, Fulguro couldn't help but let his gaze drift back towards the paved path, where J was dodging the numerous cannonballs flying at her.

Jolta...” Fulguro whispered to himself. “I'm supposed to call you Jolta.”

Jolta, thus, dodged yet another cannonball, barely moving away from its trajectory. Then, for several seconds, the cannons appeared to be reloading, while J kept on moving around. This time, her movements appeared much stiffer than usual. Only her legs slid on the ground, allowing her to carefully walk forward, backward, spin, then forward again, all of it with the rhythm of whatever music she was listening to. But when the cannons aimed at her again and shot their deadly bullets, one leg appeared to be freely hanging in the air while the other was always on the ground. She could even touch her leg with her free hand when it reached her back while performing rhythmical moulinets with her rapier.

Fulguro frowned at the sight. He was certain that he had seen some of these movements somewhere, save for the moulinets. But before he could dig deeper in his memory, Jolta suddenly fell on the ground, hit by a cannonball.

Shit!” she exclaimed bitterly, rising from the ground as fast as she could to avoid the three other ones. The cannons them stopped firing to recharge, letting her catch her breath. “Step, behind, step, hitch. Step behind, step, hitch… Then the boogie.”

Fulguro almost opened his mouth to ask if she was okay, but considering how fast she resumed her dance, he wagered that she was most certainly fine. That, and she'd call it a useless question anyway.

“Thunder Boy.” J called, dodging another cannonball. “I'm finished for now. You can destroy those cannons.”

“Already?” Fulguro exclaimed, carefully approaching her position. “I mean, I don't mind, but since you said you were training and all, I thought it would last more than… What, five minutes?”

“I just needed to keep a few things in check.” Jolta replied. “And I'm not dancing for the crowd to laugh at me here. Said crowd is about to join our little troupe.”

“Oh, so it's some kind of 'secret' training? That's pretty cool.”

“Mm. That's one way to put it. Coming or what?”

Electro-Charge! Execute!

“One pack of fried metal sausages, coming right up!” Fulguro exclaimed joyfully. He waited until the cannons recharged and sprung in their line of fire using his Phantom Thunder.

Octopus!” following his cry, Fulguro used his Thunder Shaper's Tentacle Shape to hit all four cannons with a thick electric whip, using a second one to hit them several more times. And after an onslaught of repeated assaults, the cannons were finally destroyed, falling on the ground in broken pieces.

“There you go!” Fulguro said, satisfied. “Okay, I think now's the time to give you your potions back, right?” he approached Jolta, but she seemed busy reading something on her menu. He walked towards her and only had the time to read Training Duties before she closed whatever she was reading and turned in his direction.

“You, uh… You have a training pro–”

“None of your business.” Jolta interrupted coldly.

“Okay. Sorry. Can you at least tell me what kind of dance that was?”

Jolta stared at him for several seconds. “Customized line dancing. You probably recognized it 'cause your damn cartoons have cowboys in them.”

“Well they can't be that bad if I recognize dancing styles thanks to them, right?" Fulguro argued. "At least I learn things here and there.”

“I dunno. Maybe. I never watched cartoons.”

“Pff! Everybody did at some point. It's like fairy tales, everybody heard or read at least one of them at some point.”

“I didn't. End of story. Now give me my damn potions or fuck off.”

Fulguro frowned. Okay, this is a touchy subject, get out of there. “Right. The potions. give me a second.” with a rapid stop by his menu screen, Fulguro gave fifteen Health Potions to Jolta in a swift trade request. “Are you practicing customized line dancing because of a cowboy-themed da–”

None of your damn…!” Jolta quickly raised her head and gazed at him. “...It's not a useless question. I'll answer later. Bad mood. I don't like cannonballs.”

“It's… fine.”

Jolta nodded, turned on her heels and walked back towards Yatsu and Kamikaz, who had just stopped arguing.

“Oh hey, Sis!” Kamikaz exclaimed, waving at her. “Sorry I didn't watch much of your thing back there, but you would've snapped my neck had I played the cheerleader, right?”

“I told you.” Jolta replied, walking past Kamikaz. “This is not going to be a trend.”

“Yeah, but can you really blame me for trying?”


Yatsu and Kamikaz shared a look as Jolta walked away.

“She means: 'talking'.” Kamikaz specified. “Talking is not going to be a trend.”

“Oh.” Yatsu commented. “Well that's not really much of a surprise at this point.”

“Guess you're right. But that's fine, because the cavalry's here to greet us! HEY ALL!” Kamikaz jumped in place and waved her arms, looking at the coming group of players. “DAEMORPH ASSEMBLE!”

“Hey, crazy gal?” Yatsu called. “At least let us heal before you start your shenanigans again, will ya? 'Cause I don't want to have to cover you with half my health left and about as much SPs.”

“I'm with Yatsu on this one!” Fulguro intervened, appearing next to them. “That and I don't think Jolta went too far away, she probably wouldn't want to miss the action either.”

Kamikaz and Yatsu stared at Fulguro. “...Jolta?” they repeated in unison.

Oh. Right. I didn't tell them. Fulguro glanced at Kamikaz, imagining without trouble how she could interpret the fact that Fulguro was the one who gave away that nickname, and that Jolta adopted it. He'd become her next “Lil' Met” in no time, and apparently, she could last an entire year without stopping.

“That's… the full name she wanted to go with instead of J, but changed her mind at the last second.” Fulguro lied. “The topic came up during grinding sessions. You know, nickname and class switches available in the Citadel of Ire? I'm not changing my nickname anytime soon, personally.”

“Ooooh, it sounds totally cooler though!” Kamikaz exclaimed. She ran off, catching up with Jolta, who was busy reading her message again. “Heeeeey, Sis! Can I call you Jolta too?! Like, sometimes? Please?”

Fulguro smirked internally. Problem: solved.


“...So, we're all clear on this formation?” Exceedjinn asked, getting a general nod from his fellow players. Team Daemorph had finally assembled right in front of the ark-sized ship and the tower stuck on its back. All the players were sitting on the ground, using their various potions to recover the Health Points or Skill points they had lost as they crossed the Labyrinthine Innards.

“Alright then.” Exceedjinn continued. “Then I shall review the placements of everyone to make sure that we keep them in mind. I've made some improvements thanks to our performances so far, therefore I hope that everybody will be pleased with this… Tank Formation.” Exceedjinn rose, making sure that everyone could see and listen to him. “First off, Morkant, Diabolsaur and Kamikaz should be at the front, with Morkant in the middle, Diabolsaur by his right, and Kamikaz by his left. Morkant, you have acquired new skills in Turbulence Market, if I recall.”

“I have.” the latter confirmed. “One hanks to a parchment I got there, and two others during grinding sessions and little side quests. One of them, as I told you, is a Magic Shield.”

Exceedjinn nodded. “Details aside, this Magic Shield would be a perfect opportunity for Morkant to protect Diabolsaur and Kamikaz long enough for them to prepare their bigger skills, or to avoid enemy fire until they can swiftly counterattack. I would stand behind the three of them, in case faster enemies assault these three. With my Speed-Lock Spiral, I would be able to slow them down, or even paralyze their movements completely thanks to Root Bind. For now, that is all the assistance I can provide, aside occasional offensive assistance with my Bullet Hell.

“Right behind me, we would have Sheenobi and Yatsu, as both have the abilities to boost their movement speed – and therefore reach and heal Morkant, Kamikaz and Diabolsaur if they're too far away – or use offensive and defensive supporting moves that would make our three frontal attackers even deadlier.

“Then, Mettrick and TriggerZ would stand behind Sheenobi and Yatsu. First because both can use long distance attacks to cover both our frontal attackers and their supporting allies, but also because, in Mettrick's case, his Myrmidon battle style allows him to send shields to anyone that needs them in the form of his Helmetons.

“Finally, Fulguro and J would stand at the rear, behind Mettrick and TriggerZ. In case we must participate in a battle on two fronts, these four would serve as our second front, with Fulguro and J as the lead attackers, and Mettrick and TriggerZ covering them. Besides, with their movement speed, Fulguro and J can reach any member of our team to assist them, and provide battle assistance by either paralyzing enemy movement in J's case, or providing overwhelming assaults in Fulguro's case.” Exceedjinn paused to gaze at the group, who had assembled like an obedient crowd before his eyes. “Does that seem enjoyable for everyone?”

“Definitely fine with it!” Kamikaz immediately exclaimed.

“Me too, boss!” Diabolsaur added.

“Same here, buddy.” TriggerZ said, flashing a thumbs-up in Exceedjinn's direction.

“No complaints from me either.” Fulguro assured, smiling cheerfully. “Great battle formation, Exceed! At this point I feel like we'll just have to test this formation and see how well it works."

Mettrick nodded along, following everyone's example. It sounded like a well-organized plan, as usual.

“Well, if nobody's got anything to say against Exceed's plan,” Morkant concluded as he rose from the ground, “we'd best be on our way.”

“Bro, we didn't figure out a way to open the door yet.” TriggerZ objected, giving a curious glance to his friend. “Kinda weird how you're more impatient than I am on this one.”

“Well, I did say I needed to test my new spells on something that's not for grinding.” Morkant replied, shrugging nonchalantly. “As for the door… Heh. Well, that's what I'm gonna test. Lemme show off for a sec – plus, you get to laugh at me if I fail.” with that said, Morkant calmly approached the paved path. He had nothing to fear, as the cannons had been previous destroyed by Fulguro, but there was indeed no entrance to be seen towards the heart of the ship.

“Hey, Mettrick?” Morkant called. “We're supposed to be inside of the ship, right? Not the tower next to it?”

“Yeah!” Mettrick confirmed, frowning as he gazed at the giant tower. “I think that tower's the boss location or something, 'cause I definitely don't remember a tower in the tale.”

“Same!” Yatsu exclaimed. “Just a destroyed ship and a sphere thingy inside, normally.”

“Welp! That's all I needed to hear.” Morkant commented. “Allow me to make that entrance, then.”

Vortex Palm! Execute!

Morkant opened his gloved palm as it engulfed itself with green flames. He performed a swift circular movement, creating a shiny vortex in front of him. Then he bent his knees, spread his ignited hand and slammed it inside of the flaming whirlpool. The next second, a gigantic, blazing version of Morkant's hand hurled itself towards the ship, blasting on its hull and opening a large gap into it. With a satisfied grin, Morkant turned back and raised a prideful eyebrow as he gazed at his audience. “And there's your entrance.” he simply announced. “Coming?”

“TEN OUTTA TEN!” Kamikaz shouted, springing up from the ground to point a dramatic finger at Morkant. “Now strike a pause, you magnificent badass!”

“Ooooooh…! That was so cool!” Diabolsaur commented, clapping happily.

“Bah, stop it.” Morkant replied. “I wasn't even sure that would work.”

“I don't care!” Kamikaz insisted. “You're a hero! And I sure as heck need a black and white cape now!”

“Wouldn't fit.” Yatsu intervened, raising up like the others and walking towards the entrance. “Seriously, it wouldn't fit. Unless you change your entire outfit, but that would be weird.”

“You sure?” Kamikaz asked as she walked along, genuinely curious. “What, you think black and white don't fit me, Maskreep? I've worn stuff like that before!”

“Oh yeah? What occasion?”

“Pantomine practice.”

Yatsu swiftly turned his masked face towards Kamikaz. “Wait, seriously?”

“Yuh-huh! What, you're surprised? I'm into all sorts of drama, y'know!”

Mettrick put his hands in his pockets, silently regretting not having his usual items inside to occupy his fingers with. He watched with a gloomy eye the chatting duo walk inside of the ship. He bitterly dragged his feet in their direction, and entered the ship, thus letting himself be warped inside of Muster Heroes' loading screen. To Mettrick's surprise, it didn't last as long as last time, as he only had to stare at the spiral galaxy below him for several seconds before it all disappeared, replaced by a much less prepossessing setting.

Loading Complete! Welcome to Flagship Fortress!

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Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:15 am
deleted868 wrote a review...

Hello there. This review might be a little short because I haven't read any of the other chapters, but I will try to give you some feedback on this. So, from the start, I realized that the characters are in a video game, so this review might sound kind of weird in comparison with your story. Since this is a videogane-esque story, I totally get why there's so much dialogue in this and you did a good job on making this appear to be a video game, so thank you. Your characters seem interesting, and I like the "conflict" between Kaz and J, because it just adds some uniqueness to your story, which is definitely a good thing in my book. I'm guessing that Kaz is the more main character, but I like them all actually, which is something I didn't really expect, so yet again, good job!

I get that since this is set inside a video game, the story in response is going to read kind of choppy and quick-paced, but I do think you could slightly tweak a few things to get this to be able to be read more quickly. To start off, you could maybe modify some of the dialogue, like when here discussing their formation, into plain text, such as have the characters describe to themselves how they thought the plan was, so that you can divide the more larger paragraphs into smaller ones. Big paragraphs mixed in with mostly smaller ones can end up distracting the reader, which is some thing you don't want to do. Also, another thing I'd recommend you do is check over some of your punctuation and grammar. It's mostly flawless, but there's a few times in which you should have out a comma instead of a period, due to dialogue, and things like that.

All in all, this is a pretty interesting ide and I like it! I have no idea what game this one is based off, or if it's completely made-up, but I like the flow of this, and the characters are all pretty cool. Overall, good job on this! I'm going to review the second part of this chapter as well, so this can get out of the Green Room, so I'll go do that as well!

TinkerTwaggy says...

Hello there, KAL! I'm still very much confused by this custom, as the first few chapters are still available for reviews and to avoid confusion of starting at 19, but who am I to judge, eh? I'm always here to help if you've got questions.

-Bah, don't worry. I care more about your review's content than its size, so far you're confirming stuff I've already been told, which is very important as I am now a bit more certain that people get the same thing out of what I wanted to say.

-Glad you liked it! And technically, the whole class is the main character, so they all have chapters that center around one specific character's mind or two. The actual "main main" characters are actuall Fulguro and Mettrick, but here they're separated, and Kaz just has a huge presense to begin with, hence your impression there.
Glad you like them all though, working hard on that.

-Okay so, this is hilarious, and here's why:
Spoiler! :
"I found the monologue very broken up, and needlessly so. Having the same person speak three paragraphs in a row is difficult to follow, and I'd rather the character just talk uninterrupted. The way you do this is by not closing the quote at the end of the paragraph, and have the dialogue continue on the second"
<--- This is a copy/paste of a previous advice I've been given, which happens to be the exact opposite of what you're advising me to do to handle the monologuing. Usually, I indeed cut a BIG paragraph into small ones to avoid the reader from feeling overwhelemed. But since this was a strategic meeting in which the point was to review an updated version of a previously mentioned strategy, diverting the reader's attention with players' thoughts on what Exceed was saying instead of actually focusing on his words - via big paragraph - feels closer to what I wanted to do.
So... I'm conflicted here, but I'm not sure I should change that. Your advice is fair though, so I'll have to figure out a way to make these shorter in the future. Or find a way to make them more dynamic.

-Punctuation and Grammar. My arch-nemesis appear once again... XD Shame you didn't point out which parts were affected by 'em, but it's fine, I re-read my chapters from time to time to make sure I spot everything.

-I uh, invented the world this story's in, which includes the game Muster Heroes. I do have inspirations for this world, but the game's not based on anything in particular.

Ooooooooh, the Green Room! Of course. And obviously you're not gonna read all 19.5 chapters JUST to get these specific two out of the Green Room. Gosh I finally get it.

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14 Reviews

Points: 71
Reviews: 14

Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:41 pm
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AmyMedek wrote a review...

I found this one to be pretty entertaining. Especially since it sounded kinda like pirates or something. Kinda reminded me of the Peter Pan universe on Captain Hook's pirate ship. Anyways, I'm glad that I read it. There was plenty of action involved, and had a good flow to it in my opinion. Plus, there were cannons, crocodiles, and I think some types of super powers? Keep up the good work!

TinkerTwaggy says...

Hai AmyMedek, and glad you enjoyed this!
Yeah, that's probably because this part of the adventure is focused on entering the Flagship Fortress, AKA an old pirate ship. Another part of the story is like that.
Huh. Good reference, 'cause I think I get why! The presence of a pirate ship here totally helps, too.
Glad you enjoyed the overall rhythm, hopefulyl I won't have much truble keepin' it consistent.
Wait, crocodiles? So you read both parts then?

Well yeah, super powers. They're actually inside a video game, that's why the text in italics is up there, that's why they were a few references to opening a menu, thingy, and why there's this "loading complete!" at the end. You uh, may want to read from the first chapter to get what I mean, but obviously you were just passing by, so you don't have too.

I will! And you keep gettin' better on those reviews, helpin' people can be such a blast :D

AmyMedek says...

ok, thanks

okay I think I need to grab some nachos
— BluesClues