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One Unfortunate Girl

by TXTAbysse

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language, violence, and mature content.

There are many different stories, myths, and legends on these types of things. People believe different things when it comes to these stories on vampires and werewolves. I will say my disclaimer know. It doesn't matter to me which stories and things you believe. I won't tell you what ones are true since I'm still new to this myself. I don't know what's all true. That's not what this is all about. All I really want to say is what happened to me. This is my story, all I want you to do is to listen or atleast understand what I'm talking about. You don't have understand, agree , or believe me. For that is to much to ask.

I was turned, as they would call me into a half breed werewolf. They call those turned by a werewolf halves since were not full blooded. For its in their blood carried on for generations. I was saved in my case by a full blooded werewolf. They are very much like wolf packs but the more I understand about werewolves, and wolf the more I see the similarities to humans in general. Humans are animals and mammals too. We have a lot are could learn from each other. That's how some believe the first were created through the study and sciencetists experiments or revolutionary work. Basically any non inhuman name for it. They do studies on many different animals, wolves are no exception. This is probably were these ideas came from besides that many different labes were shut down to satifie the implants of inhuman activities towards the animals. Complaints of coworkers, animal trainers, and visitors to the different facilities. 

The night I almost died was a crazy, hecktack night for all those involved. That night I mad several stupid mistakes that coat me dearly. Normal people will come home with a baby or something like that's that is close to this dramatic. 

It was a normal evening, I rode my bike in the middle of the night. I went to the gas station near my home. I was picking up some last minute groceries. It was un eventful at first and then when I was in the parking lost ready to go home. There was a patch of woods next to the parking lot. The woods were full of werewolves and I was attacked. I became one of them and everything was destroyed in that moment. I had to learn a new way to live because there was nothing we could


For the finished book and more of my stories click the link.


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Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:14 am
KateHardy wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

First Impression: This was a wonderful little start here, looks like you've done a lot of worldbuilding here and you certainly have the start of something quite intriguing here with this character.

Anyway let's get right to it,

There are many different stories, myths, and legends on these types of things. People believe different things when it comes to these stories on vampires and werewolves. I will say my disclaimer know. It doesn't matter to me which stories and things you believe. I won't tell you what ones are true since I'm still new to this myself. I don't know what's all true. That's not what this is all about. All I really want to say is what happened to me. This is my story, all I want you to do is to listen or atleast understand what I'm talking about. You don't have understand, agree , or believe me. For that is to much to ask.

Oooh well this is quite a powerful start here, just a lovely bit of tension being built up there by all of that mystery and then the way you say that you can't ask us to believe is a wonderful touch there to really portray the mystery here. Very nice opening here!

I was turned, as they would call me into a half breed werewolf. They call those turned by a werewolf halves since were not full blooded. For its in their blood carried on for generations. I was saved in my case by a full blooded werewolf. They are very much like wolf packs but the more I understand about werewolves, and wolf the more I see the similarities to humans in general. Humans are animals and mammals too. We have a lot are could learn from each other. That's how some believe the first were created through the study and sciencetists experiments or revolutionary work. Basically any non inhuman name for it. They do studies on many different animals, wolves are no exception. This is probably were these ideas came from besides that many different labes were shut down to satifie the implants of inhuman activities towards the animals. Complaints of coworkers, animal trainers, and visitors to the different facilities.

Ooh this is reading almost like a bit of a research notes kind of situation and I think that's done very well here just touching on these werewolves and what is known of them and of course the way its affected our protagonist here. You can really see there's been quite some worldbuilding here.

The night I almost died was a crazy, hecktack night for all those involved. That night I mad several stupid mistakes that coat me dearly. Normal people will come home with a baby or something like that's that is close to this dramatic.

It was a normal evening, I rode my bike in the middle of the night. I went to the gas station near my home. I was picking up some last minute groceries. It was un eventful at first and then when I was in the parking lost ready to go home. There was a patch of woods next to the parking lot. The woods were full of werewolves and I was attacked. I became one of them and everything was destroyed in that moment. I had to learn a new way to live because there was nothing we could do.

Oooh well that's quite the point to end on there, really feels like a pretty powerful little moment there but I think it sort of detracts from the tension there towards the end with that setup being much more gradual only to end in this matter of act person was attacked moment.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall I think this was a lovely little start and I'm looking forward to seeing more if you end up posting it here. I will not be visiting wattpad unfortunately.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe


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Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:09 pm
branchingout wrote a review...

Hi! I'll be reviewing your work today! :)

First off, I like this world you're building of half-breeds and full-breeds, and a narrator caught in the middle of supernatural shenanigans. I especially like the first paragraph, which really showcases how confused and out of place the protagonist feels as well as hints at the exciting adventures she's about to tell us about.

On to areas that could use some work, I like how you compare humans to wolves/werewolves, but I do wish there was more explanation as to why the narrator believes they are so similar. Also, I was a bit confused in the latter half of the second paragraph when you begin talking about experiments and facilities. The idea you're conveying sounds really exciting! Maybe a clarifying sentence or two could help me understand it more, unless you're trying to keep the topic a mystery.

Also, I found a couple of spelling and grammar mistakes as I read. I've heard a good trick for proofreading is to read the last sentence first, then the second to last, etc. This way, you're brain doesn't autocorrect mistakes, helping you not skip over them. Just to point some out:


is spelled "scientists."

I won't tell you what ones are true since I'm still new to this myself.

should be "I won't tell you which ones are true..."


The night I almost died was a crazy, hecktack night for all those involved. That night I mad several stupid mistakes that coat me dearly.

should be "The night I almost died was a crazy, hectic night for all those involved. That night I made several stupid mistakes that cost me dearly."

Lastly, I felt that the majority of the work was amping up for the scary moment a werewolf turned her, but I feel that that last paragraph, which actually describes that moment, is a bit anticlimactic. Maybe include more sensory descriptions of the night--what the narrator saw, heard, felt, etc.--and more descriptions of the protagonist's fear in the moment before the bite and the confusion afterwards in order to really make the reader feel what an impactful experience it was. I feel like describing the scene more would also amplify the scare factor and make the reader more invested in the narrator's life!

All in all, I hope you keep on growing and working on your writing journey! It was a pleasure to read your story, and I hope I was helpful! :)


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Points: 318
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Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:08 pm
branchingout says...

Ignore this, I made a mistake. Oops!

Now I realize that there is no righteous path, it’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst.
— Castiel