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Young Writers Society

I'm not complaining..I'd just like to say that..

by MaitrePrinceRebel

Its real shame and rather frustrating that nobody really reads the lyrics in the lyrics section..well not really nobody but few people and I think in order for people to know what others think of their work they should get feedback and hardly anyone gives any feedback..I've noticed that there are few replies to a lot of songs by other members too and I believe that you should give your opinion if you have viewed someones work. So basically I'm just trying to encourage people to reply...please!! its essential to me and hopefully to other people too.

Many thanks!

Beldina Kungu xx

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Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:16 pm
Chevy says...

Yes, Maitre I agree...someday the site will be there.

Uh, Lisa, the whole reason we have elected officials is so we don't have to think all the time. Just like that rainforest scare a few years back: our officials saw there was a problem and they fixed it, didn't they?
— Homer Simpson