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Young Writers Society

Everyone Judges Me Right


Right? Everyone
judges me while
I’m sleepin’, spewing
lies like concrete webs
unbroken with time
or money.
Spaces command me
into nothing is to be ashamed
of as far as
everything’s solid? Right?
Well, if a cat has 9
lives to spend then
why does it meow when
it’s starving? Outside
my window another
one calls me out but I
just sing, nothing
and sleep. Everyone
judges me while I’m dancin’ but
I’m just dancing –
and I’m just sleeping
in fire; burning
in ice and
savoring sweetness.

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153 Reviews

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Reviews: 153

Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:43 am
snickerdooly wrote a review...

This poem was really interesting it was one of those poem where you interpret what it means to you, or that's at least how I read it. I thought it flowed well even though it kind of went off in different directions I was able to enjoy it. I like the comment about a cat with nine lives when why does it meow when it's hungry. I thought that was very creative thinking!

Well, if a cat has 9
lives to spend then
why does it meow when
it’s starving?
By far my favorite part of the poem, good job on this piece, it will definitely give me things to think about.... *watches my cat* :)

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1417 Reviews

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Reviews: 1417

Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:08 am
Noelle wrote a review...

Hi there!

Spaces command me
into nothing is to be ashamed
of as far as
Everything’s solid?

These four lines are confusing to me. Honestly, I'm not really sure what you meant by this.

Overall this is a good poem. You have a good flow and you used powerful words. You put good emotion into this. I really like the part where you talked about the cats. Good job!

I'm sorry if this wasn't very helpful. Keep writing!

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104 Reviews

Points: 1145
Reviews: 104

Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:28 am
paintingtherain97 wrote a review...

Oh my God, I love this! Your language was absolutely perfect, with great imagery. I liked the part about spinning concrete webs of lies. It was pretty epic. And the line where you ask about why cats care if they starve when they have nine lives was pretty good, too. I didn't really find anything wrong with it, other than maybe that you should try to make the lines more balaned with syllables. Keep up the good work.

Saying Why-Double-you-Ehs is inversely like saying Ah-beh-Seh (Abc)... just say yewis it's cooler.
— Anonymous