Hello, this is Kelisot just doing another review!
Ah yes, love. Poetry about love always manages to be interesting for me. I enjoyed reading this poem, as the title itself caught my interest. Calling love a "stupid puzzle" is an interesting thing-- I highly agree with your narration and opinions in the poem. Sometimes, love is like the wind, we can't see it, yet it's visible. And mostly, chasing for love is like grasping smoke, formless, fading away.
I especially liked one of your view lines from here:
But long do I wait and wait and wait,
And think maybe, your love is not in my fate.
My love, what is this stupid puzzle?
These lines gave some impact when I read, I could see that the narrator here is in a state of sadness, perhaps because the "beloved one" does not go well together. Despite loving, the tragedy of two lovers, who knows the bitter future fate has for them-- yet they still love. It may have just been me, but these lines stuck out to me, perhaps because I could understand it?
Nobody makes me smile like you,
Nobody makes me cry like you,
Nobody ever loved me like you,
Nobody ever cared for me like you.
This poetry, in conclusion, gave an impacting lesson about love. If one hangs themself upside down, they're going to see the world upside-down. If you flip a coin, there always is a chance you will see a different side of the coin you probably have never seen. Everything in this world is like this-- in the end, several concepts humanity has created are in vain and futile.
However, the message is telling us that despite the vanity and worthless meaning of everything, we should still enjoy every moment of our lives. Be happy with everyone, despite the future! Everything may seem meritless, but if we live on this Materialistic Realm, then we have the right to enjoy such vanity. Thank you for posting this poetry, and I hope you have a great day!
Points: 171
Reviews: 35