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Eat Your Vegetables, Sun

by Lib

A/N: This little "motivational" tangent thing started because of my friend who was worried about how her employees were using her, and multiple other things that probably should not be mentioned.

People are not worth your time or energy and you are amazing for walking away even though it took you a bit to realize and I am so glad you have learnt to say no because that is beautiful. 

Things are supposed to be give and take not give and give or take and take. Either of them can be toxic and mess you up badly which is a big no-no anyway. You've been giving and giving because of your generosity and have been deprived of taking. And now that you've realized it you're building a path for yourself and you are the G.O.A.T for that. 

You say you're broken, and that's okay. Glue and tape exists for a reason. Find it and put yourself back together. It's all on you. You can't be depending on people because people are horrible to be honest and they only look out for themselves because that's how the world is. Your target should be you first. If you try to just help other people all the time you won't have time to work on yourself. You might not have enough glue or tape left for yourself. 

Work on yourself first and then if, only if, you have the skills and time to help others should you lend a hand. Or else keep to yourself and basically fake it till you make it and walk on. Because for real, no one cares. You're on your own and no one will look at you until you turn into the sun. 

Some very wonderful people will exist and think no one notices them but being as bright as the sun, no one has to point them out. That's how special they are. 

No one ever points out the sun, do they? "Look, did you see the sun. A sun exists. Look at it." No, it doesn't happen. It's already there, everyone knows it's there, everyone appreciates it. Because of its existence, it's beneficial to others as well. It's literally a life-giving source of light. 

If you work on yourself hard enough trust me you will turn into a sun. But don't work on yourself for other people. Work on yourself for you because that's the only thing that will benefit you, and maybe, people might love you or change for the good because of you and your existence. 

Look for your glue or tape and start working.


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Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:53 pm
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MailicedeNamedy wrote a review...

Hi Liberty,

Mailice here with a short review! :D

It's a little hard to review because it feels like a kind of narrative or advice here. At the beginning I thought we were dealing with a poem.

This advice book has a very interesting structure and I can't criticise anything for that if it's a motivational speech for a friend. I can, however, give a little information about what I liked and what I liked less.

What struck me most positively was the simple language you use to express yourself here. It doesn't read complicated like a paper or an explanation by a professional, but in fact what a friend would say to cheer up another friend and show them where the world is beautiful again. I think it is this directness in particular that makes it possible to find oneself in the text, either as a helper on the one hand or as a victim on the other.

I also liked that you repeated some things to show a point, which quickly crystallised what exactly you wanted to show.

Another thing I didn't notice so positively was the repetition (I hope I'm not contradicting myself here) of "Glue and Tape exists for a reason". I found that after reading the first few paragraphs, it was a bit rough, or let's call it extreme, because - at least to me - it sounded like a "bygones be bygones, everyone has had it and it's not that bad". As I said, that's just my impression and it made the second half feel a bit like a lot of things were suddenly happening superficially.

As I said, on the one hand I really like the simplicity with which you narrate here, but on the other hand I found it a bit extreme with the one point, but that's probably just my view. I still think it's a wonderful way of trying to help someone, while also explaining a little bit how life is supposed to work without being too teacherly.

Have fun writing!


Lib says...

Yeah haha, I did mean it to be simplistic vocab wise. I understand what you mean with the extreme bit, and I totally agree when I re-read it. Thanks so much for reviewing!

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Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:39 pm
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MaybeAndrew wrote a review...

Andrew here with a review! Like MissGangamash I don't really know how to review this thought piece, but here goes!
Overall your message is nice, and I think some people do need to hear this type of thing, though I do disagree with certain points/the way you communicated them. Also, there are a lot a fair amount of grammatical mistakes and run-on sentences, which makes it feel casual, (almost like your texting me) which is cool - but at the same time, sometimes's it also makes it hard to read.
Into specifics!

People are not worth your time or energy and you are amazing for walking away even though it took you a bit to realize and I am so glad you have learnt to say no because that is beautiful.

This sentence just like... keeps going. It makes it less meaningful, so I'd advise splitting it up. I get it though, most of my sentences are paragraphs long too XD

Things are supposed to be give and take not give and give or take and take. Either of them can be toxic and mess you up badly which is a big no-no anyway. You've been giving and giving because of your generosity and have been deprived of taking. And now that you've realized it you're building a path for yourself and you are the G.O.A.T for that.

I think that the beginning sentence might be one of the strongest in the piece, it is both causal and efficacaint. But this is the beginning of an idea that I think is really difficult to communicate which is that you shouldn't let yourself be taken advantage of but at the same time you don't want to take advantage of others. The line between selflessness and servitude is hard to walk, especially if you are surrounded by emotionally unhealthy people.
You say you're broken, and that's okay. Glue and tape exists for a reason. Find it and put yourself back together. It's all on you. You can't be depending on people because people are horrible to be honest and they only look out for themselves because that's how the world is. Your target should be you first. If you try to just help other people all the time you won't have time to work on yourself. You might not have enough glue or tape left for yourself.

Okay, the emboldened section I think is the part I disagree with most. To me, it seems to communicate that you should be your first priority, which in a way is definitely true because if *your* dead or broken how can help others. That being said, every evil selfish person (the very people who you are saying to avoid) put themselves above all other priorities. They take advantage of others because they want power and they see their happiness as more important than others.
I also think it is a false idea that those two things are mutually exclusive. I find (and it has been documented scientifically, historically, religiously, and philosophically) that acts of self sarfice are the best tape, and the best healing, not vice versa. Many people find deep joy and solace in having children, and the ultimate example of sacrificing your pleasure for someone else's. Or working within ones community. People are actually less happy if the community only exists to serve them, and they are not required to serve it. I know in my relationships I am happier when I think less about myself and more about them.
I think that the mistake is made when people begin to believe that it is loving, moral, and just to follow every whim and thought of other people to please them. Oftentimes, that is not helping them. If a mother never gets time on her own because she is always sacrificing it to clean her children's rooms, drive them places, entertain them, etc etc, she is actually doing more harm than good. If she was truly looking out for them, she would let them learn how to do that on their own. Sometimes even removing yourself from a really toxic relationship can be helpful to the toxic person because they see they need to change.
And even if they don't, you weren't doing any good there anyway, and any good you were doing was negated by the wrong of you being harmed. A truly broken person can't help others like you say.
I think what you're trying to do is that you have the same moral worth as others, which I think is SO true and important to remember. You shouldn't lose a limb to save someone's finger, that's a net loss in the world, regardless of what perspective you're looking at it from. That's why the axiom "love others as yourself" is so genius. If you wouldn't want someone to sacrifice that much for you, you shouldn't make yourself do it for others.
And, that being said, so much of loving others *is* loving yourself, as previously discussed. So I think the dichotomy of you can only serve others or yourself is false. You can only misserve others (like the mother cleaning her son's room) or serve yourself and others, (like a good friend/community member/parent)
Which I know you understand, for goodness sake, you wrote this, which was a sacrifice of your time to help someone else, I just think that paragraph and some other sections did not communicate that complexly enough.
The commenter was really good, and I definitely have friends like yours who refuse to see that they need to quit a job/relationship/situation because they don't want to see it harmful because of a false sense of what charity is. Some parts of this were encouraging to hear and need to be spread further. Like the give give, take take thing. Both are dangerous, to be a taker and only a giver. You point out that by giving you are hurting someone by only allowing them to take, which is dangerous to them. So very well done there!
Thanks, and keep writing,

Lib says...

Thanks so much for your thoughts, Andrew! I thought about what you said about finding happiness in helping others too, and I'm glad you brought that up because while I was re-writing this, I didn't think about that! (Also yes I agree with the run-on sentences and text thing lol this was a text and I'm a very run-on person anyway haha)

Thanks so much again!

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Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:17 pm
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MissGangamash wrote a review...


I don't really know how to review this because it's not really styled as a literally piece and rather just a thought. But I will give it a go!

Overall, it feels a little long winded. There are a few points that I liked, like the glue and tape thing, and the turning it a sun thing, but they sort of got bogged down with a load of extra stuff that didn't need to be there. Inspirational points are usually short and snappy. So within this piece, it would be good to have a few stand out quotes that makes the reader sit back and go 'whoa, you're right.' Personally, I didn't find any of those.

'You can't be depending on people because people are horrible to be honest and they only look out for themselves because that's how the world is.' - you make this point, then tell the reader to focus on themselves. I get that they don't mean the exact same thing but having these two points so close together just sounds contradictory - like you're telling the reader to become horrible and selfish like everyone else, because that's how the world is. Which I don't think is your intention.

Hope this helps!

Lib says...

I'm glad you liked the sun/tape thing, MissG! Super appreciate your review, and I definitely agree with what you said about the contradictory sentences. Thanks so much for your review!

"I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy..."
— Unnamed Girl from "Mean Girls"