
Young Writers Society

the way you move your feet when you're trying to go nowhere is a very telling thing

Photo of LadySpark

booker lover & poetry writer


You might know me by other names, like SparkToFlame, SparkOfDoubt, DramaLlama, or (if you're really, really old) Pointe2drama. I've been a member of YWS since I was 12 years old, and recently returned following my graduation from my Master's program.

I live in St. Louis with my partner (Si) and our two puppies, Elliot and Olivander. We love going on walks, exploring our city, and spending time together. I've always been a writer, but now that I have more time to focus on such things, I'm hoping to return to the productivity I had as a teenager.

And... that's why I'm here!

P.S. << that picture is from my days as a ballerina <3


Industrial Organizational Psychologist

You're wrong about humanity. They are your greatest creation because they're better than you are. Sure, they're weak, and they cheat and steal and destroy and disappoint, but they also give and create, and they sing and dance and love. Above all, they never give up.
— Metatron