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How does the Constitution guard against Tyranny?

by AdmiralKat

What would life be like without the Constitution? Eventually, we would have a tyranny. The thing that the colonists were trying to avoid. What is a tyranny? A tyranny usually refers to when a person has a lot of power on their hands, having complete control. How does the Constitution guard us from this? Some ways that the Constitution could guard us from tyranny are by diving powers between the central and state governments, dividing powers between branches of government evenly, using checks and balances and lastly, in the Legislative Branch, there is equal representation from all the states.

First, the Constitution guards us from tyranny by diving powers between the central and state governments. Some examples of this are indicated in Document A. It describes that the central government can, “regulate trade, conduct foreign relations and declare war.” Meanwhile, the states can, “set up local governments, hold elections and establish schools.” As James Madison said, “The different governments will each control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself.” What James Madison is trying to say is that the central and state governments have enough power that they don’t control everything. The central government has enough power to help some of the country’s major needs and the state government has enough power to help the state’s needs because the state’s needs may be more specific. From this, you may conclude, that diving powers between the central and state governments prevents tyranny.

Secondly, the Constitution guards us from tyranny by dividing the branches of government. For example, in Document B, it says, “Liberty requires that the great departments of powers should be separate and distinct.” This means that the Legislative Branch should be completely different from the Executive or the Judicial Branch. This would separate all the powers needed into three separate parties. The different branches could have different viewpoints to make sure that almost everyone is pleased with the government. This may prevent tyranny by making people not want to try to take over the government because they think it is in good hands and the three branches of government are hard to take over, since there are three whole branches. In conclusion, the Constitution, may protects us from tyranny in this way.

Thirdly, the Constitution guards us from tyranny by using checks and balances. In Document C, it says, “… the constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner as that they may be a check on the other… (The three branches) should not be so far separated as to have no constitutional control over each other.” This basically means other branches check the other branches to make sure they are all the same in power. They check by using their equal power and approving or disapproving something that the other branch has done. If one branch becomes over powered, then there may be a tyranny , in which, one branch has absolute control over the whole government. All in all, using checks and balances, the Constitution may help stop tyranny.

Lastly, the Constitution guards us from tyranny by having equal representation from all the states. In Document D, it says, “The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand but each state shall have at least one representative… The Senate of the United States shall be composed by the legislatures thereof for six years, and each senator shall have one vote.” These laws in the Constitution are to make sure that all the states have equal power. They must all have equal representation so that they can have a say in the government. In theory if the Constitution was not there, some states would have total control over other states because the smaller states didn’t have a say. The terms the people have, also keep people who make laws from being in the government for too long because they could gain a lot of power, too much power. This is the last way the Constitution may prevents tyranny.

Since there are many types of tyrannies, we have to have different ways to defend against them. The Constitution could prevent tyranny by dividing powers between central and state government, dividing powers between the branches of government, using checks and balances and lastly, in the Legislative Branch, there is equal representation from all the states. We need the Constitution to defend us against tyranny and to create a solid government. In conclusion, the Constitution defends us from tyranny.

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Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:20 am
BeTheChange wrote a review...

So this was obviously a school project, judging from the structure and the topic. So I'll try not to be harsh.

Some nit picks: You use "diving" at one point when you mean "dividing". There's an overuse of commas. Where you use parentheses to clarify a direct quote, brackets would be better.

Now, otherwise, this is good. You make some valid points, and you obviously understand what you've been taught. If I were your teacher, I'd give this a B+.

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Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:58 am
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Snowery wrote a review...

Hi KatyaElefant!! Silver her to review your essay!!

Let's get to it:

Main Points

that diving powers between the central and state governments prevents tyranny.

Dividing powers alone does not prevent tyranny, it is is a contributing factor. So it's probably best if you say: "state governments is essential in preventing tyranny"

In conclusion, the Constitution, may protects us from tyranny in this way.

The concluding sentences in your paragraphs seem very repetitive, unless this is specifically asked for by your teacher I would suggest modifying it or even dropping it all together. The reader can discern from the paragraph itself whether or not it prevents tyranny.

Okay, so am I right in saying that this is an argumentative essay? Whether it is or not I'll say that it was very well done.


Your structure was impeccable. I have seen far too many one paragraph essays on this site and yours should be an example to all of them.

There was a clear introduction, three body paragraphs-one for each argument, and there was a clear conclusion.

Each paragraph had a clear topic sentence which stated the main point.

You aced this section. :)


You used your quotes in a very efficient way! The seemed to slide in whenever they were needed to prove a point and you didn't use overly huge chunks.

All your quotes seemed valid, relevant and well placed.


Besides the concluding sentence thing I mentioned before, if you want to have a really strong essay, I suggest that you include an opposing point (if you can find one :) ) and rebut it, as a fourth body paragraph.

Overall, I think that this was a really well done essay!! Everything was clear and concise and it wasn't too difficult to read. I hope I helped but I didn't know the topic well so i couldn't contribute there :/ Keep up the good work and happy writing!! :) :)


AdmiralKat says...

Thanks! I must ask, how can I improve my conclusion because I am really bad at them and I want to do better in the future. Got any tips? Also I have to say I wrote this in like 2 hours because I have 5 essays to write every week for school, so I am looking to improve in any way I can! Thanks for reviewing!

Silverlock says...

Your atual conclusion is okay, the problem is that your concluding sentence from each body paragraph is really repetitive, I would just scrap it.

AdmiralKat says...

okay thanks!

Silverlock says...

No worries :)

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Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:57 am
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queerelves wrote a review...

Mike your essay, and I like the points you make. However, I think you could be clearer on your points, you could elaborate on them a bit more, and you could change wording in places to make it flow better.

Overall, I like the points you made, and I like that you chose the examples you used to support those points. You followed the structure of an essay by having an introduction, a body paragraph for each example, and a conclusion paragraph that wraps it all up. You also made sure to reference specific parts of the Constitution and included quotes from America's founding fathers.

There were a few things I didn't like as much, and a few I would recommend changing. I'm not sure if the prompt you were given at school gave you specific criteria on what your essay had to contain, how many paragraphs it had to be, etc. If your teacher didn't specify otherwise, though, I would recommend addding a counterargument to the essay, something like, "Well, some people say that the Comstitution doesn't protect us from tyranny because [x] but they're wrong because [y]." Your writing also didn't flow together well, and it seemed "blocky" if that makes sense. You could have varied up the way you started and ended your paragraphs. Also, there were a few places your wording didn't make sense.

AdmiralKat says...

How can I make it less "blocky"? Can you tell me an example in where I can improve? Thanks!

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Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:41 am
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AdmiralKat says...

I think this is genius! I am the best writer ever! :D

Mackattack says...

Sup KK

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GR5485lm says...

The question is timely. And the answer is one everyone who wants a better understanding of why the US Constitution is far more important simple calling each other names. And be am informed voter its important have a basic understanding the US Constitution as a progressive I realize the Constitution often gets in the way social progress.

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