Hey there. I don't think we've met yet. It's nice to meet you!
I really like this. It's very out there and blunt. It's nice to have the truth revealed in sharpish words sometimes. If that makes sense.
While this is quite good, there is still room for improvement. Your use of enjambment is a little too much for me, to be honest, and I think you should break up the lines a little differently (I'll get more specific in a minute). Also, you could create stronger images if you delete and or change a few words (which I'm also going to address).
First, let's look at the line breaks.
The girl I fucked last night wrote me
an email
I don't like to start off a poem with enjambment after the first line, and you do that a little here. I think it would be better if you put the break after "night."
stuck inside, thousands of spent
I think that you should leave "words" in the previous line. It would feel better.
Quick note: there are only two sentences in this poem, one of which is a rather jumbled feeling run-on. I suggest taking that second sentence and making it into more separate sentences, rather than keeping the reader on it forever.
Now for wordiness and impact of images.
Your first line is great. It's blunt and it conveys some emotion from the speaker. Also, I love in the second line how you use "- people still do that -" as an aside. It works quite well.
and in its body was a poem fused
together by bad dreams.
Here, you have an opportunity to create a stronger image. Instead of "fused together by," why don't you say "fused with"? Not only would it cut down on wordiness, but it would intertwine the poem and the bad dreams. Which is the next issue. "Bad dreams" is such a vanilla term (please don't substitute "nightmares," though. That one's been pretty done, too). I think you would benefit by perusing a thesaurus here.
said the stories I told her got
"She said" isn't working for me here. I think you should omit that. It still makes sense without it. Or, if you don't think so, find a different way of saying it. It just doesn't feel right to me. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific.
thousands of spent
words, but only a few that mattered
made it,
This is definitely my favorite part. However, I think that you should say "the few that mattered" instead of "a" because it sounds more specific, like those few words were something very important instead of moderately important.
thing about the whole affair: that
I never said a damn thing.
Omit "that." It just kind of interrupts the flow and takes away from the impact of your last line.
Altogether, this is really lovely. Nice job. I hope that this review was helpful. Happy poeting!
Points: 29221
Reviews: 863