Hey, there! This has got some really nice imagery. I like how you start out with the narrator speaking of their love for the night sky, simple and basic, with no deeper meaning - and then as the poem progresses, the descriptions take on symbolism.
I appreciate how all the main stanzas have the same amount of lines. Also, the separation of the stanzas make for clear reading and an organized appearance.
My favorite part about this poem is how you talk about the stars in your eyes and the clouds raining tears. These are vivid images that convey the emotions they represent. Another cool thing is how you've taken a visual picture and used it to express a feeling that deals with relationships and emotions. However, I did find it a little confusing the way you fluctuated back and forth between visualizing the narrator as the sky itself and then as an outside observer of the sky. It just feels inconsistent.
Thanks for sharing this great poem! Keep up the good work!
Points: 13914
Reviews: 223