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Eating for Two


Spoiler! :
This is a short story I conceived of just today. I feel so sad every time I hear about a relationship ending this way, or in a similar way, and I think every woman should have a Tyler that they can go to. I hope you enjoy : )

Eating for Two

“Um, hi there…can I…help you, miss?” The waiter spoke gently to the woman now seated at a table near the back of the restaurant. She wasn’t looking at him, but towards the large revolving door at the front, as if she was expecting someone to come through, just as she had ten twenty minutes ago. He hadn’t seen her amidst all the departing evening patrons, but nobody else would be coming in. Ten o’clock PM was closing time.

She sighed, and rested her chin on her small hands, elbows on the table. The waiter was a little uncomfortable, as he knew that it was time to lock up, but he didn’t really want to tell her to leave. This was the fourth time this week she'd been in, but he'd never seen her eat anything. She always just came in, sat for a while, and left. Tonight hadn't been any different, except for the fact that she was still here.

“Well, okay…I guess I’ll be going then,” he said, turning slowly on a heel. He heard her sniffle as he finished his sentence and stopped moving just for a moment.

“I wonder if that’s what Michael was thinking,” she almost whispered. “Just…walking right out…”

Against all better judgment, the young man turned around again and pulled out a chair, lowering himself into the red cushion. He laid his hands palms down on the white satin tablecloth. “What’s wrong miss?” he asked, genuinely curious.

“Oh, it’s nothing I’d want to bother you about. There’s really nothing to be done…” she hardly even seemed to be talking to him, as she looked away toward the windows on the opposite wall of the small dining room. Her voice even sounded out of focus, like her mind was somewhere miles away from this table at Sicilia’s Italian Bistro.

“Well, is there anything to be said?” he persisted. It was decidedly obvious that if he was going to be breaking his general manager’s trust as he stayed past hours with the keys, he might as well figure out what was troubling this young woman.

“There was something…I was…we were supposed to say…” her voice cracked a little, and her face fell into her palms. “We were supposed to say ‘I do.’”

“What’s your name, miss?”

“Kathryn…Kate,” she said through the tears that were starting to escape from her eyes. They dripped through her fingers, making a sad dark spot on the tablecloth.

“I’m Tyler,” he responded quietly. He waited, tapping his fingers on the chair, and after a few moments when the soft sound of crying had become inaudible, he moved his chair around so that he was sitting around the table on her right. For the first time, he really noticed her. She was wearing an elegant dress, which cloaked her in sapphire blue with many entwining shades of purple. It hugged her body, and feathered out a little at the waist, making a lovely skirt that ended just above her knees.

Kate seemed to feel his gaze, because she wiped her eyes and turned her head to him. Her shining blond hair waved a little, and flowed down to just touch her shoulders with the delicate strands. Tyler couldn’t help but stare for a moment; he was so taken with how amazing she looked in the low light of the chandeliers he should have turned off twenty minutes ago.

“Thank you so much for letting me come here,” she said sincerely. Her voice was a little more conversational now. “I’m sorry I’m keeping you, I just…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Tyler offered a comforting hand, but slowly lowered it when she didn't notice. “I understand.”

For the first time since she’d been in the restaurant, Kate gave a small smile.

“Tell me about it, only if you want.”

“Are you sure I’m not being any trouble?”

“Hey, I’m just a waiter at Sicilia’s. It sounds like you’ve had more than enough trouble tonight. I can spare some.”

She smiled a little bigger, and adjusted her hands in her lap. “Well, I was waiting at my apartment for my boyfriend, Michael. We were supposed to go out on a date. It was our nine-month anniversary, and he'd even proposed to me.”

“Did he stand you up?” Tyler asked tentatively. He'd noticed she wasn't wearing a ring, so she must have left it behind.

“You could say that…I was waiting for him, and he was running late. So I went down to check my mail while I waited, and I found a letter from him.” Kate started to sniffle again, and Tyler gently placed a hand over hers on her lap.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say it,” he repeated, almost whispering to keep his voice nonaggressive.

“He said that because of…recent events, he didn't feel comfortable with the way things were going. He didn't think it would work out between us anymore. The last sentence…it just said ‘I’m sorry you had to hear this way. I’m in North Carolina, and thinking of you.’” A single tear rolled down her smooth cheek once more. “Yeah, he sure thought a lot about me when it mattered…”

Tyler blinked away the tears he noticed forming in his own eyes. Poor, beautiful, deserted Kate had been through such a tragedy; anyone with half a heart would have been moved by it.

“That was a month and a half ago. I don't know why, but I thought he'd be back by now. I didn't want to believe it was over. I came here because this was where we'd met on a blind date. I knew…I knew if he were thinking of me at all…he'd come looking here…" Kate's eyes started to tear up again, and she let her head hang in sorrow. She picked up a fork and turned it over in her hand before setting it down again.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Tyler set his hand near hers on the table, trying to show his sympathy. “I know I probably can’t do much, but is there anything I can help with?”

“Well, I never did get to have any dinner tonight. Is there anything laying around that you could spare maybe?” Kate’s voice was low and unambitious, but her lovely green eyes were open, staring into his with hope.

Tyler did recall that there was one extra plate of lasagna that one of the cooks had made. It had been sitting on the kitchen counter for almost an hour, but it wouldn’t take more than twenty minutes to reheat.

“I’ll be right back,” he said with a smile.

“Whatever you have is fine. And I don’t mean to be greedy, but the more you can give, the better. I’m, uh…I’m eating for two.” Kate looked down a bit as she finished speaking, and Tyler got the message. She hadn’t really started to get a tummy, so it was probably the first or second month. Might have even been what made her ex decide to leave.

The kitchen was still pristine, just as the cleaning staff had left it when the rest of the kitchen crew clocked out for the night. Tyler remembered his own timecard, and left a note on the general manager’s office door saying that he’d stayed late to give the floors one last quick sweep. Just so that he wouldn’t be misunderstood.

He walked over to the stovetop counter, where the plate of homemade lasagna still sat. He’d planned to take it home himself, but this was a much more worthy cause. He lit the stove and put the square of pasta into a stainless steel pan. In ten minutes, it was steaming again, and the cheese was nice and melted. Tyler returned it to the plate, took a fork from a drawer, and walked back out to Kate’s table.

“Lasagna for two,” he said with a wink, setting it in front of her, and giving his black vest a quick adjustment.

“Thank you so much!” Kate said, smiling and taking up the fork. She ate a little quickly at first, then looked up at Tyler and blushed. As he chuckled, she began to eat more slowly.

“I normally don't take special orders, but I'm glad I made the exception tonight."

“You’re so sweet. I can’t thank you enough for helping me.” Kate continued to eat slowly, enjoying her charity meal.

When she finished, Tyler took the plate and the fork and said that he’d clean them for her. “You sure are a gentleman,” Kate said with gratitude.

Tyler cleaned off the dishes and returned them to their places, all with a smile that never left his face. As he reentered the dining room, he saw that Kate was standing right in front of the doorway. She slowly stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck in a thankful hug.

“Thank you. Thank you so much for all you’ve done,” she said softly. Tyler hugged her back, holding her delicately, as if he were in danger of damaging her frail emotions any further.

After they let go of each other, Kate said goodbye and turned to leave. As she went to go, she turned to him one last time and waved, which he returned. She opened the door, and slowly let it creak shut behind her as she walked out.

Tyler walked quickly back into the kitchen, his black loafers clacking on the tile floor, and clocked out his card. Then he locked the back door, and went outside, locking the front doors behind him. Thankfully, Kate was standing on the curb, likely waiting for a taxi. Although just like New York City at night, the cars were slowly inching along.

“Hey, Kate!” he called, walking over to stand alongside her.

“Oh, are you waiting for a taxi too, Tyler?” she asked, immediately looking back at the street, scanning for a yellow car.

“You probably won’t have too much luck with the cabs. Let me drive you home, I’ve got time,” he offered.

Kate looked over at him with shining eyes, as if he’d just offered to carry her home on his back.

“If you don’t mind, of course.” Tyler added.

“I’d like that.”

Tyler led the way to his red Honda Element parked just a little further down the sidewalk, and after they were buckled in, he pulled away from the curb, and turned down the road Kate had named to him.

On the whole way to her apartment, Tyler and Kate talked and laughed about everything and anything that came to their minds. Tyler mentioned how his last date had been two years ago, and Kate rolled her eyes.

"That's ridiculous," she said, shaking her head.

“Hey, I could let you out right here!” Tyler retorted.

“No no, that's not it! I just can’t believe someone as sweet and kind as you could be single,” she quickly covered.

After they pulled up to the curb in front of an apartment building, Tyler walked her up to the door, and they hugged again.

“I’m so glad I met you tonight, Tyler.” Kate’s pretty green eyes glimmered in the porch light, meeting his gaze intensely.

“Likewise,” Tyler replied, with a nod of his head. He smiled at her once more, then turned to leave, but she grabbed his arm before her could. As he looked around, she immediately pulled her hand back and held her hands clasped on her chest, blushing a deep red. Her head drooped for a moment, and she laid a hand on her stomach. When she looked up, her cheeks were still a light pink. He could see determination behind the innocence in her expression.

“Wait, Tyler…um…would you…come by and go out to…dinner with me tomorrow?” She asked tenderly. “I mean, if you don’t have any other plans.” Her beautiful face looked almost childlike as she stared hopefully at her gentleman waiter.

Tyler chuckled, and gave a sigh. He didn’t work on Saturdays, and he could see that Kate wanted to see him again. In all honesty, he wanted to just as much. He rested a hand on the short sleeve of his white work shirt and nodded.

“That sounds wonderful. Saturday night, dinner for two.” He realized his mistake as he said it, and put one hand over hers on her stomach. She smiled the biggest she had all night, as did he. “I’m sorry, for three.”

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Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:16 am
TheEaseDropper says...

wow I loved this and I never caught on that she was pregnant. Nice twist.

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Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:54 am
borntoshop says...

Great story! I love the ending. It's cute. (:

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:32 am
IsItLove wrote a review...

I really enjoyed your story, I thought it had a brilliant start. Your writing is supurb. I thought the way you put forward the concept of her pregnancy was beautiful and classy, which fits in perfectly for the character. Very well written, and I can't wait to read on. :) Xxx

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Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:05 pm
AmiiLightwood wrote a review...

Hi, Amy here!
I think this is great. It is sweet, short, with a simple plot making it a no-fuss, easy to story read. You keep your pace throughout your work, which is great (some writers tend to rush the ending, which I find to be a big waste of time - why bother writing at all when you're going to speed through the part that you've working up to the whole story?). Your imagery is wonderful - the avid descriptions, particularly Kate's, paint wonderful pictures into the reader's mind. I found Tyler's character to be fantastic. He is very caring and gentlemanly, and possesses qualities that are apparently quite rare in a lot of guys today. Maybe a physical description of him would have been nice? I like how you wrapped the story up without actually going on the date - it would've dragged on way too long if you had.

He walked over to the stovetop counter, where the plate of homemade lasagna still sat. He’d planned to take it home himself, but this was a much more worthy cause.

I loved this bit - a very sweet, caring gesture on Tyler's behalf.

“Whatever you have is fine. And I don’t mean to be greedy, but the more you can give, the better. I’m, uh…I’m eating for two.” Kate looked down a bit as she finished speaking, and Tyler got the message. She hadn’t really started to get a tummy, so it was probably the first or second month. Might have even been what made her ex decide to leave.

I thought this was great. A nice twist. I like how you opted for this description rather than actually stating her pregnancy - it encourages reader involvement.

Oh, and I almost forgot! Nice title! It gives nothing away to the reader, but ties in well with the story.

Overall: very well-written, easy to follow, great imagery, awesome title and nice ending! And flawless spelling and grammar!

Two thumbs up and don't stop writing!
Amy =)

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Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:30 am
silentwords wrote a review...

Ou, I really enjoyed this story! It was really well-written :D
It was easy to understand and see everything that was happening. You described everything and used good detail, without making the story boring. This kept my attention and interest through out! I also really liked how you said she was pregnant, without actually saying it. It was cute and really tied the story together nicely at the end. Very creative (;
The only iffy part of the story for me was the fact that she would go to that resturant every single night, without any confirmation that he would go too. It doesn't really seem like a realistic thing to do. I think he should have told her that he would meet her there. Or maybe have him tell her earlier that when he wants to see her he will go to the resturant where they first met. Otherwise I don't really see why she would assume he would be there. Anyways, that is just my opinion. However, love stories like these don't need to be totally realistic. More times than not, they aren't. aahhaahha! So I guess you are fine (:

Anyways, loved the story!! Keep up the awesome writing! : D

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Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:05 pm
KaylaCoon wrote a review...

Hey Kayla here!

Well to start I'm going to say I really liked this. Then add that some more descriptions would be nice.
A description of the characters looks and details, I found myself wondering what they looked like. I could picture the dress which you described wonderfully by the way. Or maybe describe waht the dinner looked like. When I read stories I really like it if I can see what's happening in my head, some parts I could see, but the dinner and the characters I had problems.

I like the idea behind your story. I found my self questioning what kind of guy would do that, and how sweet Tyler was. You really have a talent with making you characters likeable. Most stories I hate the main guy, can't really tell you but I doo. I also noticed that this isn't one of those sappy love stories. They didn't fall instantly in love and get married or tell each other that they are a match made in heaven. Your story had depth, had reason. It makes me smile. This story is like a story about friendship I noticed and how you can't judge people by things that are very significant.

I have to say you have talent, and I would like to read more of your work. I really liked this piece.

You're a great writer!!


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Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:01 pm
mistielovesyou wrote a review...

This was a really cute story. Very quirky and...nice. It might be a bit unrealistic, as was said by the commentor above, but I liked it. My only thing would be that the romance went a little too fast. You could probably improve this by making sure that this "date" they're going on is just a 'friend date". It's weird that a girl who was heartlessly dumped by her boyfriend would be so quick to accept another man in her life. Good job and good luck.

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:33 am
ultraviolet wrote a review...

Hey there, High! Fellow redman here to review. 8)

First of all, can I just say that I love how Kate's real name is Kathryn? 'Cause that's my name! Even spelled the same way, and you'd be amazed how little you come across it like that. Generally it's Katherine or Catherine. So that's probably what made me decide to review this in the first place.

Okay, so I don't really have any critiques about things like the pacing, descriptions, or grammar - they're all done pretty well. Something I do have a bit of a problem with are the character progressions.

First up, we have Tyler. At first, he's wonderful - nicely done character. But when he starts to get down and really talk to Kate, he gets too interested too fast - or, interested solely because "she's having a hard time" too fast. He's almost too sympathetic, if that makes any sense. I guess what I'm trying to say is, with stories like this, it's easy to make the perfect guy - sweet, smart, sensitive - but most guys aren't like that, at least not naturally. They tend to shy away from things like feelings. Or, at very least, they can feel awkward in situations like the ones you've brought forth here. I want to see him struggling at least to come up with the words; because most guys in this situation wouldn't end up saying the exact right thing.

I especially hate how he says that you'd have to be heartless not to be uber-touched - partly because I hate groupings like this, where people don't take into account personal experiences and perceptions that change how they relate to things, and partly because it makes him look like some sort of saviour and any other person who doesn't take interest in such things soulless creeps. Okay, yes, this is probably an exaggeration, but do you get what I mean?

Second of all is Kate. Okay, so for her I don't have very many problems until the very end, when you start using words like "giggling" to describe how she acts - like she's nothing more than a heartbroken school girl. She's still crushed over her ex-fiance, and I can't imagine she'd be acting so much like that. Make ways you describe her more subtle - that'll really create the emphasis you're going for.

Okay, so if at any part of this it sounded like I was attacking your character or your writing (because, I swear, without trying to I tend to point-blank tell people that what they're doing is wrong/bad, and in such a way it could be taken as offensive) I didn't mean to. This is really good and could just use a little straightening up in the areas I suggested.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post on my wall.

loveness, ultraviolet <3

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:00 am
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

he sighed, and rested her chin on her small hands, elbows on the table. The waiter was a little uncomfortable, as he knew that it was time to lock up, but he didn’t really want to tell her to leave. This was the fourth time this week she'd been in, but he'd never seen her eat anything. She always just came in, sat for a while, and left. Tonight hadn't been any different, except for the fact that she was still here.
so much better already ^_^
“That was a month and a half ago. I don't know why, but I thought he'd be back by now. I didn't want to believe it was over. I came here because this was where we'd met on a blind date. I knew…I knew if he were thinking of me at all…he'd come looking here…" Kate's eyes started to tear up again, and she let her head hang in sorrow.
so much more real :)

glad you deleted the part about him telling her she was eating his dinner x)

She opened the door, and slowly let it creak shut behind her as she walked out.

Yay I love it!! I love the changes you made! To me, at least, it sounds much more real, much much better.
Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, I was reviewing elsewhere xP

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:28 am
xXTheBlackSheepXx wrote a review...

This is a short story I conceived of just today. I feel so sad every time I hear about a relationship ending this way, or in a similar way, and I think every woman should have a Tyler that they can go to. I hope you enjoy : )
Eating for Two
“Um, hi there…can I…help you, miss?” The waiter spoke gently to the woman now seated at a table near the back of the restaurant. She wasn’t looking at him, but towards the large revolving door at the front, as if she was expecting someone to come through, just as she had ten twenty minutes ago. He hadn’t seen her amidst all the departing evening patrons, but nobody else would be coming in. Ten o’clock PM was closing time.
She sighed, and rested her chin on her small hands, elbows on the table. The waiter was a little uncomfortable, as he knew that it was time to lock up, but he didn’t really want to tell her to leave.
“Well, okay…I guess I’ll be going then,” he said, turning slowly on a heel. He heard her sniffle as he finished his sentence and stopped moving just for a moment.
“I wonder if that’s what Michael was thinking,” she almost whispered. “Just…walking right out…”
Against all better judgment, the young man turned around again and pulled out a chair, lowering himself into the red cushion. He laid his hands palms down on the white satin tablecloth. “What’s wrong miss?” He #FF4000 ">lowercase he asked, genuinely curious.
“Oh, it’s nothing I’d want to bother you about. There’s really nothing to be done…” she #FF00FF ">capital She hardly even seemed to be talking to him, as she looked away toward the windows on the opposite wall of the small dining room. Her voice even sounded out of focus, like her mind was somewhere miles away from this table at Sicilia’s Italian Bistro.#FF00FF "> At this point, I’m feeling a lot of suspense. Exactly like how the waiter’s probably feeling at this point. Genuinely interested, silently urging her to continue.
“Well, is there anything to be said?” He #FF4040 ">lowercase he persisted. It was decidedly obvious that if he was going to be breaking his general manager’s trust as he stayed past hours with the keys, he might as well figure out what was troubling this young woman.
“There was something…I was…we were supposed to say…” her voice cracked a little, and her face fell into her palms. “We were supposed to say ‘I do.’”
“What’s your name, miss?”
“Kathryn…Kate,” she said through the tears that were starting to escape from her eyes. They dripped through her fingers, making a sad dark spot on the tablecloth.
“I’m Tyler,” he responded quietly. He waited, taping #FF40BF ">tapping his fingers on the chair, and after a few moments when the soft sound of crying had become inaudible, he moved his chair around so that he was sitting around the table on her right. For the first time, he really noticed her. She was wearing a beautiful dress, which cloaked her in sapphire blue with many entwining shades of purple. It hugged her body, and feathered out a little at the waist, making a lovely skirt that ended just above her knees.
Kate seemed to feel his gaze, because she wiped her eyes and turned her head to him. Her shining blond hair waved a little, and flowed down to just touch her shoulders with the delicate strands. Tyler couldn’t help but stare for a moment; he was so taken with how amazing she looked in the low light of the chandeliers he should have turned off twenty minutes ago.
“Thank you so much for letting me come here,” she said sincerely. Her voice was a little more conversational now. “I’m sorry I’m keeping you, I just…”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Tyler offered a comforting hand, which she slowly and lightly took. “I understand.”
For the first time since she’d been in the restaurant, Kate gave a small smile. Tyler noticed the diamond engagement ring on her finger, which rested just under his thumb.
“Tell me about it, only if you want.”
“Are you sure I’m not being any trouble?”
“Hey, I’m just a waiter at Sicilia’s. It sounds like you’ve had more than enough trouble tonight. I can spare some.”
She smiled a little bigger, and returned her hand to her lap. “Well, I was waiting at my apartment down the street for my boyfriend #FF0080 ">comma Michael. We were supposed to go out on a date tonight. We’ve been together for almost a year now, and he proposed to me a month ago.”
“Did he stand you up?” Tyler asked tentatively.
“You could say that…I was waiting for him, and he was running late. So I went down to check my mail while I waited, and I found a letter from him.” Kate started to sniffle again, and Tyler gently placed a hand over hers on her lap.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to say it,” he repeated, almost whispering to keep his voice nonaggressive.
“He said that because of…recent events, he felt that things were moving too fast. He said he didn’t think it would work out well if we stayed together. The last sentence…it just said ‘I’m sorry you had to hear this way. I’m in North Carolina, and thinking of you.’” A single tear rolled down her smooth cheek once more. “Yeah, he sure thought a lot about me when it mattered…”
Tyler blinked away the tears he noticed forming in his own eyes. Poor, beautiful, deserted Kate had been through such a tragedy; anyone with half a heart would have been moved by it.
“I walked here after I read it. It was just a few blocks away, and I remembered here was where we met on a blind date. It was sort of…sentimental.”
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Tyler pressed his hand over hers lightly, showing his sympathy. “I know I probably can’t do much, but is there anything I can help with?”
“Well, I never did get to have any dinner tonight. Is there anything laying around that you could spare maybe?” Kate’s voice was low and unambitious, but her lovely green eyes were open, staring into his with a hopeful look.
Tyler did recall that there was one extra plate of lasagna that one of the cooks had made. It had been sitting on the kitchen counter for almost an hour, but it wouldn’t take more than twenty minutes to reheat.
“I’ll be right back,” he said with a smile.
“Whatever you have is fine. And I don’t mean to be greedy, but the more you can give, the better. I’m, uh…I’m eating for two.” Kate looked down a bit as she finished speaking, and Tyler got the message. She hadn’t really started to get a tummy, so it was probably the first or second month.
The kitchen was still pristine, just as the cleaning staff had left it when the rest of the kitchen crew clocked out for the night. Tyler remembered his own timecard, and left a note on the general manager’s office door saying that he’d stayed late to give the floors one last quick sweep. Just so that he wouldn’t be misunderstood.
He walked over to the stovetop counter, where the plate of homemade lasagna still sat. He’d planned to take it home himself, but this was a much more worthy cause. He lit the stove and put the square of pasta into a stainless steel pan. In ten minutes, it was steaming again, and the cheese was nice and melted. Tyler returned it to the plate, took a fork from a drawer, and walked back out to Kate’s table.
“Lasagna for two,” he said with a wink, setting it in front of her, and giving his black vest a quick adjustment.
“Thank you so much!” Kate said, smiling and taking up the fork. She ate a little quickly at first, then looked up at Tyler and blushed. As he chuckled, she began to eat more slowly.
“I was going to take that home with me tonight, but I’m glad it went to someone who really needed it.” Tyler smiled at her, and she returned it.
“You’re so sweet. I can’t thank you enough for helping me.” Kate continued to eat slowly, enjoying her charity meal.
When she finished, Tyler took the plate and the fork and said that he’d clean them for her. “You’re such a gentleman,” Kate giggled, watching him walk back to the kitchen.
Tyler cleaned off the dishes and returned them to their places, all with a smile that never left his face. As he reentered the dining room, Kate was standing by the door, and she threw her arms around him in a tight hug.
“Thank you. Thank you so much for all you’ve done,” she said softly. Tyler returned the hug, holding her delicately, as if he were in danger of damaging her frail emotions any further.
After they let go of each other, Kate said goodbye and turned to leave. As she went to go, she turned to him one last time and blew him a kiss, which he held up his hand to receive. She waved, and then slowly walked out the door.
Tyler walked quickly back into the kitchen, his black loafers clacking on the tile floor, and clocked out his card. Then he locked the back door, and went outside, locking the front doors behind him. Thankfully, Kate was standing on the curb, likely waiting for a taxi. Although just like New York City at night, the cars were slowly inching along.
“Hey, Kate!” He #BF00FF ">lowercase he called, walking over to stand alongside her.
“Oh, are you waiting for a taxi too, Tyler?” She #FF4080 ">lowercase she asked, immediately looking back at the street, scanning for a yellow car.
“You probably won’t have too much luck with the cabs. Let me drive you home, I’ve got time,” he offered.
Kate looked over at him with shining eyes, as if he’d just offered to carry her home on his back.
“If you don’t mind, of course.” #FF00FF ">(Tyler added)
“I’d like that.” #FF0080 ">for these two lines, it’s impossible to tell who’s speaking.
Tyler led the way to his red Honda Element parked just a little further down the sidewalk, and after they were buckled in, he pulled away from the curb, and turned down the road Kate had named to him.
On the whole way to her apartment, Tyler and Kate talked and laughed about everything and anything that came to their minds. Tyler mentioned how his last date had been two years ago, and while Kate offered her sympathy, she couldn’t help giggling a little at the story.
“Hey, I could let you out right here!” Tyler joked.
“Sorry, I just can’t believe someone as sweet and kind as you could be single,” she quickly covered.
As they pulled up to the curb in front of an apartment building, Tyler walked her up to the door, and they hugged again. #FF0040 ">I’m going to be ultra picky here. This is a simple mistake, but it’s important to watch out for stuff like this.
Notice how you said ‘AS they pulled up to the curb, Tyler walked up her up to the door’? So while they were both still in the car, they were walking up to her house? Do you see how you put them in two places at once x)?

#FF0040 ">Again, no biggie, but be wary of little traps like that.
“I’m so glad I met you tonight, Tyler.” Kate’s pretty green eyes glimmered in the porch light, meeting his gaze intensely.
“Likewise,” Tyler replied, with a nod of his head. He smiled at her once more, then turned to leave, but she grabbed his arm before her could. As he looked around, she immediately pulled her hand back and held her hands clasped on her chest, blushing a deep red.
“Wait, Tyler…um…would you…come by and have…dinner with me tomorrow?” She #FF4080 ">lowercase she asked tenderly. “I mean, if you don’t have any other plans.” Her beautiful face looked almost childlike as she stared hopefully at her gentleman waiter.
Tyler chuckled, and gave a sigh. He didn’t work on Saturdays, and he could see that Kate wanted to see him again. In all honesty, he wanted to just as much. He rested a hand on the short sleeve of his white work shirt and nodded.
“That sounds wonderful. Saturday night, dinner for two.” He realized his mistake as he said it, and put one hand over hers on her stomach #FF00BF ">I thought you said her hands were clasped on her chest, not on her stomach. She smiled the biggest she had all night, as did he. “I’m sorry, for three.”

Nice beginning, great ending, and I liked all the stuff in-between as well ^_^

I didn’t have many comments as I was going through correcting it, I was mostly engrossed in the story, haha!

I few things I was thinking about:

First, I loved when you slipped in how the plate of lasagna was supposed to be his to take home, but instead he just smiled and gave it to her instead. So sweet!! I was smiling.

But then right after that, when he gives it to her, he says ‘you know, that was mine, but you can have it’. Of course you used better words, but it kind of deflated my mood for a moment. I would definitely rather have it so that he doesn’t tell her that he was giving up his dinner for her sake. Much more gentlemanly, don’t you think? Cuz if I was her, I’d be feeling a bit guilty over it after he‘d tell me that. And he wouldn’t want her feeling guilty, right? So that’s just my opinion on that.

Second, I’m not sure what to think of Kate’s small flirtations towards Tyler. The parts where she was blowing kisses and hugging him and letting him hold her hand felt… I don’t know. It just seems like if she was in a serious relationship for the past year, it wouldn’t exactly be natural for her to flirt around yet. It‘s still too soon. I mean, I imagine she still loves Michael. She only just received the letter, so she’s probably even in a bit of shock and denial. Probably wondering how it all went wrong, or if it was even a bad dream. I’d think that just in case, she wouldn’t let herself get too close to Tyler unless she was positive things were still over. And from the letter, it sounded more like Michael needed some time and space than that he actually wanted nothing to do with her anymore. He probably had cold feet about the wedding or something. At least that’s what I got from it.

So if I was in her place, I would be at home, calling him every other minute to ask what in the world he was running for, we could work this out, if only you would just talk to me, please come back, I’m carrying your child you know… not sitting at a restaurant and talking to the waiter.

I don’t know, it just felt a tiny bit odd to me.
Is this making any sense to you? XD I feel like all this would be totally realistic like, a few weeks after she got the final word that he was ditching her. Not several hours after she received his letter.

But honestly, this was very beautiful! The idea of a complete stranger being kind enough to help pick up your broken pieces is very uplifting. I particularly like how you wrote the two characters; both Kate and Tyler felt like real people and I just loved them to pieces. You described Kate wonderfully.

And I totally felt this whole thing. I’m so glad you wrote it all down as soon as you felt the inspiration, because the emotion really comes through.

Well, that’s about all I had to say for this one, I’m so glad that you wrote it and that I read it :D Keep up the great work.

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25 Reviews

Points: 1039
Reviews: 25

Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:28 pm
roxywriter1573 wrote a review...

Omg wow :) that was really good. i love how you described every little detail. and the way you described her made her seem like a goddess. Also, the little twist where you added in that she was pregnant without actually saying it was amazing. Good job :D

we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno