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A compilation of Short writings

by Benji

I just want to preface this by saying that most of the writings here were short ideas and not connected to each-other. Some of these are lyrics that I've tried (and failed) to add more to in a way to feel complete or whole but the rest hasn't came to me yet, and I feel these are good enough windows into ideas that can be explored later! I know quite a few of these were meant as lyrical hooks to songs that I've wanted to write and I want to better serve these with complimentary expressions and closure but that's been quite a daunting task in the mix of all my writings. Also, this is my first time posting much smaller works than what I normally write, but I feel that it can be important to be able to convey your feelings/emotions/ideas in short writings not only as a literary practice but also a different way to mentally process these words as they come to you (however that may be). Feel free to let me know if anything catches your eye or sticks out to you, Looking past the glaringly midwest emo theme (that i've been told my writing style lends to... LOL) I'm curious to see if such small ideas can be impactful enough on their own...

"The moment brings a memory, fading in - a sudden thought. Then time stood still, I get a chill, thinking of things I wish I forgot."

"My love is a burden, not made for you to carry it, but while you're still here, can you help me bury it?
Once we forget, we'll pass all regret, I hope this bond we share mends... can't we still stay friends..."

"I wish I could heal, these moments that I steal, they seem too out of my control, but whenever my heart takes center stage I feel it's me who plays the fool."

"Why do I feel that it's only me who's losing, in this one sided tug of war.
But I got nothing left to give so I'll just give in, I just need to quit pretending.
Would you ever drop the rope to let me up, if that means I'm hanging on to you?
Hopefully the weight isn't too burdensome, just wish I could drop this baggage for two."

"On the other end of the phone
But not the one who's calling
I hear my dad talking
He speaks about his fortune
While I speak in laughter to hide the pain
Because I know you can't have it any other way
Miles away yet the excuses all sound the same
It's getting old now, not like I knew any different
The defenses we've forged have been equally intimate
And it's times like this I surmise after it's over
That it's all too easy to stay distant."

"A child's cries,
The Lord hears them
Louder than Worship."

"Without God I would have worse than nothing, I'd be missing my everything."

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Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:32 am
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soundofmind wrote a review...

Hey Benji! :^) Finally getting around to a review. I'm going to comment on each lil excerpt individually, I think. Quoting just for clarity's sake and to help organize!

"The moment brings a memory, fading in - a sudden thought. Then time stood still, I get a chill, thinking of things I wish I forgot."

I like how despite having a typical poem format that this ready very much like a poem. I think if you structured it like a stanza it'd work quite well, but it also works as a nice one-liner. It does feel a bit naked on its own, as it is a bit vague, and there's definitely more that could be said. I think it's a solid start for building something more off of it, though. I'd be curious to know: What's the memory? Why is it so haunting? There are plenty of directions you could take it, I'm sure, but I do think it'd be a great hook. The rhyme scheme and the rhythm feel very natural to me.

"My love is a burden, not made for you to carry it, but while you're still here, can you help me bury it?
Once we forget, we'll pass all regret, I hope this bond we share mends... can't we still stay friends..."

This one flows a little less naturally to me . The main reason being: the phrases "not made for you to carry it" and "can you help me bury it?" - though they rhyme, don't match each other with their syllabic counts for each phrase. The first has 8 syllables, the second has 7. Though it's a small detail I wonder if you could reword the first or second phrase so they had an even number of syllables, because I think it would help with the flow.

Here's an option where the two ending phrases match in syllable counts. I can't think of a great one, but this is just an example!
    you don't have to carry it...
    can you help me bury it?

The same thing applies to the last two phrases. "I hope this bond we share mends" has 7 syllables and "can't we still stay friends" has 5. I think because the closing phrases of the previous line are 7 and 7, it'd be best to stick to the 7 and 7 for the last two as well.

It's a small thing, but I find when you're going for a rhyme scheme, even a loose one, syllable counts seem to matter all the more. Even if you're not doing super structured poetry, I find it helps with the flow.

"I wish I could heal, these moments that I steal, they seem too out of my control, but whenever my heart takes center stage I feel it's me who plays the fool."

I'm being all nitpicky with syllables, but I find that when you're going for something that feels lyrical, especially, it's part of what makes something feel more like a song. Or sing-songy (thought I don't mean that in a cheesy way).

My teeny suggestion would be to cut "they seem to out of my control" to "seem out of control" to match the syllable counts of the first two phrases. I think it'd help the start of this sentence feel more punchy so that when you get to the "whenever my heart takes center stage..." it feels more like that part of it is actually taking center stage, as it's breaking the 5 syllable punches in the beginning with a longer thought.

As far as content for this one goes though, I love it. I think it'd be the strong start of a longer poem or dramatic poem-like piece if you wanted to build on it. I'd love to see the stage as a recurring theme or more stage/performance imagery.

"Why do I feel that it's only me who's losing, in this one sided tug of war.
But I got nothing left to give so I'll just give in, I just need to quit pretending.
Would you ever drop the rope to let me up, if that means I'm hanging on to you?
Hopefully the weight isn't too burdensome, just wish I could drop this baggage for two."

Tiny thought - if you cut the "but" at the start of the second line, I think it'd make that line hit a lot harder, and really drive home the severity of: "I've got nothing left to give."

As far as the visual theme goes, I do find my brain kind of flip-flopping. At the start I'm imagining a tug-of-war, with two people holding both ends of a rope. Then you go "would you drop the rope to me" and my brain goes "wait weren't they both already holding it?" Lol. I really do like both images but I wonder if there's a way to connect them more smoothly. Both ideas are great, I'm just not sure if they work the smoothest together.

I also wonder if you could keep the rhyme scheme going. You kind of have an: A, B, C, C thing going. I wonder if you could make the end of the first two lines rhyme? Just a thought! Not that everything has to rhyme, but I know you've got a knack for them!

The defenses we've forged have been equally intimate

I won't quote this whole bit here since it's longer, but I think this is probably one of the strongest one of the bunch in my opinion! I decided to quote my favorite line from it. I love the weight that this line carries. I love the juxtaposition of defenses, a word describing walls and separation, being put alongside the word intimate, a word describing vulnerability, and closeness. I feel like it creates a very clear picture of the state of the relationship and reinforces the original picture of the people being on two ends of a phone line, which in a way, is a picture of connection, but at a distance. Intimacy, but with walls up. Love, love, love this. This could be posted as a poem on its own for sure. It feels complete to me, even if it's short.

I don't have as much to say for the last two excerpts. They're both pithy, but conceptually, I know I've definitely heard similar sentiments in similar words. Nothing's really wrong with that, I think it's just the nature of Christianity being something that's developed over decades and people have said so many things in different ways but it's all the same thing lol. But there's nothing wrong with repeating truths in your own words!

Okay, I think that's all from me! I tried to leave some helpful feedback but let me know if you have any questions for me if anything I said was confusing or if you just want clarity/elaboration! I always like reading your stuff, man.


Benji says...

thank you for all the tips and pointers, i did struggle with the pacing for a lot of these, mostly because i'm writing what comes to mind in the moment, and i try not to muddy up the feeling i had while writing. that said, you really helped point me in the right direction for these, truth be told most of them were made with music in mind, and my songs usually aren't in 4/4 so it reflects in the seemingly weird pacings lol. but the advice is warrented as these are posted on their own as lyrical pieces, so they lack that context. I'm so glad that the poem on defenses was enjoyable, it's nice to know that some of what i write can be understood by others and not just me doing my own thing for myself...
also i cheekily shaped it like a bag of money LOL

soundofmind says...

if the pacing is to a more unusual time signature that could be why I had trouble feeling the flow! I%u2019m admittedly most familiar with 4/4 and 6/8.

I%u2019d LOVE to hear these put to music someday!

Also lmao I didn%u2019t even realize the moneybag shape until now. That%u2019s amazing I love it

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Mon Jan 23, 2023 11:02 am
yamatri says...

"The moment brings a memory, fading in - a sudden thought. Then time stood still, I get a chill, thinking of things I wish I forgot."

fading in means gradually coming. and sudden means quickly so you can't use both describing the memory either the moment brings memories fading in or the moment bring memory suddenly

My love is a burden, not made for you to carry it, but while you're still here, can you help me bury it?
Once we forget, we'll pass all regret, I hope this bond we share mends... can't we still stay friends..."

I am not sure, but it gives of unrequited love in a friendship feeling from the 2nd part, the first line is very nice my love is a burden ....


wish I could heal, these moments that I steal, they seem too out of my control, but whenever my heart takes center stage I feel it's me who plays the fool."

1st line is confusion ,with a context maybe I will get its meaning
the 2nd line is wow .

Why do I feel that it's only me who's losing, in this one sided tug of war.
But I got nothing left to give so I'll just give in, I just need to quit pretending.
Would you ever drop the rope to let me up, if that means I'm hanging on to you?
Hopefully the weight isn't too burdensome, just wish I could drop this baggage for two."

1 side tug of war means only one of you is pulling while the other is just giving in like you have nothing left to give in , but what are you pretending i didn't understand that , and your ques of whether the other person will loose the game to help you stand up is nice but why is the baggage for two ?
i like this one , you really have to read into it to understand it

On the other end of the phone
But not the one who's calling
I hear my dad talking
He speaks about his fortune
While I speak in laughter to hide the pain
Because I know you can't have it any other way
Miles away yet the excuses all sound the same
It's getting old now, not like I knew any different
The defenses we've forged have been equally intimate
And it's times like this I surmise after it's over
That it's all too easy to stay distant."

i love this one , it very nice explanation of your distant relationship with your father

A child's cries...Louder than Worship.
nice line you can use it in a story


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22 Reviews

Points: 442
Reviews: 22

Mon Jan 23, 2023 11:02 am
yamatri wrote a review...

"The moment brings a memory, fading in - a sudden thought. Then time stood still, I get a chill, thinking of things I wish I forgot."

fading in means gradually coming. and sudden means quickly so you can't use both describing the memory either the moment brings memories fading in or the moment bring memory suddenly

My love is a burden, not made for you to carry it, but while you're still here, can you help me bury it?
Once we forget, we'll pass all regret, I hope this bond we share mends... can't we still stay friends..."

I am not sure, but it gives of unrequited love in a friendship feeling from the 2nd part, the first line is very nice my love is a burden ....


wish I could heal, these moments that I steal, they seem too out of my control, but whenever my heart takes center stage I feel it's me who plays the fool."

1st line is confusion ,with a context maybe I will get its meaning
the 2nd line is wow .

Why do I feel that it's only me who's losing, in this one sided tug of war.
But I got nothing left to give so I'll just give in, I just need to quit pretending.
Would you ever drop the rope to let me up, if that means I'm hanging on to you?
Hopefully the weight isn't too burdensome, just wish I could drop this baggage for two."

1 side tug of war means only one of you is pulling while the other is just giving in like you have nothing left to give in , but what are you pretending i didn't understand that , and your ques of whether the other person will loose the game to help you stand up is nice but why is the baggage for two ?
i like this one , you really have to read into it to understand it

On the other end of the phone
But not the one who's calling
I hear my dad talking
He speaks about his fortune
While I speak in laughter to hide the pain
Because I know you can't have it any other way
Miles away yet the excuses all sound the same
It's getting old now, not like I knew any different
The defenses we've forged have been equally intimate
And it's times like this I surmise after it's over
That it's all too easy to stay distant."

i love this one , it very nice explanation of your distant relationship with your father

A child's cries...Louder than Worship.
nice line you can use it in a story


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Reviews: 41

Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:42 am
HalfheartedAmateur wrote a review...


"The moment brings a memory, fading in - a sudden thought. Then time stood still, I get a chill, thinking of things I wish I forgot."
This piece is so succinct, yet it is so in-depth.

"My love is a burden, not made for you to carry it, but while you're still here, can you help me bury it?
Once we forget, we'll pass all regret, I hope this bond we share mends... can't we still stay friends..."
The first line of this is so relatable; it just pulls at my heartstrings. The second line sort of confuses me, though, yet I know it has an impactful/powerful intention/objective behind it.

"I wish I could heal, these moments that I steal, they seem too out of my control, but whenever my heart takes center stage I feel it's me who plays the fool."
I wholeheartedly resonate with this piece. It just simply clicks with me.

"Why do I feel that it's only me who's losing, in this one sided tug of war.
But I got nothing left to give so I'll just give in, I just need to quit pretending.
Would you ever drop the rope to let me up, if that means I'm hanging on to you?
Hopefully the weight isn't too burdensome, just wish I could drop this baggage for two."
Oh my gosh. This piece is super beautiful. I love it. Why can't I write this kind of lyrical work? LOL - Your mind must be an intriguing place.

"On the other end of the phone... That it's all too easy to stay distant."
You really have to reflect and contemplate this one. I still don't really know how to comprehend this, but it's something about relationships being superficial.

"A child's cries...Louder than Worship."
Impressive how a child's cries is louder than worship. Why and how?

"Without God I would have worse than nothing, I'd be missing my everything."
I guess you're super religious and religion is a predominant part of your life.

A mixture of mental health alongside relationships either regarding partner(s) and/or parent(s) as well as religion aspects. I love the mental health pieces; I like the religion pieces. Both are thought-provoking and enthralling to think about. Well done.

- Lil, aka HalfheartedAmateur

I can factcheck ur flashback outfits
— SirenCymbaline