OK, since I'm a firm believer in getting the bad out of the way first, here goes.
The main problem with this is flow: it was all kinds of wrong. A poem, in my opinion, should be either free-flowing (long, graceful lines, with little punctuation), or short and choppy. This was neither, and both, which makes it hard to read.
But I'm always too weird,
I can't do anything right,
There's simply too many words and sylables in that, and not enough structure.
Second (and last) problem: imagination. The poem feels a bit boring, unfortunately. I don't mean you need to put epic imagery into it or anything like that, but some more creative words would have been nice.
And the good things (which I'm keeping minimal, coz I always do): the idea is very good, depressing in a positive way. Also, this is lyric poetry so getting across feelings is very important, and this was done very well. Its written in a frustrated, yet almost sympathtic way, which I like.
Good work.
Points: 890
Reviews: 43